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Poll :: Should we go back to our old pub version? |
Hell yes we should |
44% |
[ 15 ] |
No,I actually like this gay ass mod |
55% |
[ 19 ] |
Voted : 2 |
Total Votes : 34 |
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StEVoNuB420  Retired52130 Points
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Wed May 09, 2007 12:59 pm Post subject: |
Yeah I gues we can keep it. Were u able to delete some of the things u were talking about on the server beck.Like all the useless stuff that might overload the server itself?
Another question I have is.If the server itself is still in Chicago,why the hell is my ping up to 50ish again? As soon as we changed from Texas to Chicago it went to 20's,then it went back up.Yet Bob the Nailer is hitting 20-30 ping and he lives in Minnesota. Pete is also still getting 20's.Any ideas? Its not just me either.Lil, JJ and Dragon all have the same ping,and yet we all have different ISP's.Any ideas?
This happened before we upgraded also,just thought i would mention that.
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BECK  General of the Army280087 Points
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Wed May 09, 2007 1:06 pm Post subject: |
I didn't change any settings. I was hoping that people cleaning up their client installations might help, as that posting from the SplashDamage forums indicated. I think Plan9 said it did seem to help, but then there is another posting that said it didn't.
As for ping issues, we're back to tracert reports and getting Maverick involved again. Especially since you indicated that it was changed prior to the upgrade.
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Plan9 IoW Regular12129 Points
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Wed May 09, 2007 1:28 pm Post subject: |
I'd change my vote to YES (don't keep it)... but that's just because I really dont deserve the acc I was getting
And yes, cleaning out the pk3's did help a lot, but I've barely had the chance to play when the server fills up (maybe because it doesn't?!?). The few times I did, I still got some lag/fps issus in close combat, but I'd say not as many as before.
I guess it's just the price you pay for being half a world away.
Have spacesuit, will travel
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StEVoNuB420  Retired52130 Points
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Fri May 11, 2007 8:02 pm Post subject: |
Well thanx to this ungodly post I decided to also clear out my maps from the folder.All was good till I tried to connect to the server and it said I couldnt until I verified my install or some bullshit like that.So instead of trying to find out which file I deleted accidentally I deleted it and loaded up my backup file.I thought it was all good.I even started downloading the files I needed for the server as soon as I tried to connect.Then it happened.One of the files started to loop itself over and over again. I disconnected,made sure I had downloads on and tried again.Nothing. So I decided to delete all files about ET from my comp and now I have to reinstall the game again. 
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DRAGONFIRE Noob103 Points
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Fri May 11, 2007 11:26 pm Post subject: |
it sounds like you are having some major troubles. i hope everything works out quickly. i was lucky. i took care of my mouse problem that i was having. i hope you luck. you need to start enjoying your et experience. if your game screws with you that is no fun, get your game together. you need to be reminded on how to get schooled playing et.
_________________ come to the darkside or feel my wrath, make your decision quick...you don´t have much time before your demise
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Quazi  Retired16243 Points
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Sun May 13, 2007 4:47 am Post subject: |
I am to lazy to read all 7 pages. I stopped at 3rd or 2nd I think. So I don't know if it was already said.
Me, App and Plan tested hitboxes today and I can say it is ONE HUGE BULLSHIT.
1 - you can hit somebody if he is around the corner and you can't see him
2 - you can hit somebody if you shoot 10 inches away at the line of neck/shoulders
3 - you shoot head but you still get bodyshots
4 - when somebody prones his hitboxes are the same as he was crouching. You can shoot above far above him and still hit him
So my question is. Do we have to play on that mod ? Can't we go back to the old one ?
_________________ War solves all problems - no man no problem [Josef Stalin]
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MrBlack  Retired52 Points
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Sun May 13, 2007 7:29 am Post subject: |
i think we should just stick with what we have now.
Im up and down, good days bad days but to be honest now im used to it theres not realy that much in the two, hitboxes have always sucked thats pub for you.
i was one of the ones whining for change so i say we all eat a bit of humble pie and thank beck for his hard work
and that is not meant as
p9 no matter which one you go for your always gonna have that freaking crouch hax(lame)
quazi you'll get used to the hitboxes i am just dont aim for the person you cant miss lol
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Plan9 IoW Regular12129 Points
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Sun May 13, 2007 8:05 am Post subject: |
p9 no matter which one you go for your always gonna have that freaking crouch hax(lame) |
You're right, and it's especially lame since now all crouching does is give ppl a bigger, slower target than when I'm standing up. Hax is not really the word for it anymore.
You know where I stand on this, but I realize that downgrading is never gonna happen. If you look at the SL listing of the 500+ etpubservers out there, you'll see that probably less than 10 % of them are running earlier versions than 0.7.X.
Question is: Do all of the other 0.7.2 servers also have the same warped hitboxes, or is there something we can do serverside to fix it? And I'm not only talkng about hitboxes. That goes for limiting processes to reduce lag as well.
Anyway... all I'm saying is that something has to be done, cause this doesn't seem normal to me: SL Server Stats
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BECK  General of the Army280087 Points
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Sun May 13, 2007 11:30 am Post subject: |
In short, we might be able to tweak settings, but it ain't happening...
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Plan9 IoW Regular12129 Points
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Sun May 13, 2007 1:10 pm Post subject: |
Fair 'nuff, you won't hear another word about it...
And at least misunderstand me correctly Beck.. This was not a personal attack on you. I do appreciate the hours you put into this...
Have spacesuit, will travel
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Quazi  Retired16243 Points
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Sun May 13, 2007 2:36 pm Post subject: |
And at least misunderstand me correctly Beck.. This was not a personal attack on you. I do appreciate the hours you put into this...
-P9 |
Exactly. I didn't want it to look like an attack or something like that. I just wanted to give word, from my point of view, about that mod.
I can't even imagine how much work is with setting that shit up so I admire you BECK. You always put much effort in clan developing. Just thought that if some opinions will be posted we could get to concensus and make that mod better.
_________________ War solves all problems - no man no problem [Josef Stalin]
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gchip IoW Regular10203 Points
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Sun May 13, 2007 3:19 pm Post subject: |
reply 101
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Alkaline IoW Supporter3048 Points
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Mon May 14, 2007 7:13 am Post subject: |
It's been a while, but I am finally getting headshots again. I played for a couple hours the other day and averaged about 2hs per kill everymap. Just took a while to get used to. Loving our server once again.
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razi IoW Supporter1696 Points
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Mon May 14, 2007 9:20 am Post subject: |
bump for biggest thread ever on IOW? lol
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BECK  General of the Army280087 Points
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Mon May 14, 2007 9:50 am Post subject: |
bump for biggest thread ever on IOW? lol |
Heh...not even close. Not even in the top 5. Joke of the Day still rules!
Too bad that thread (jotd) is trashed and unusable now...
To add some actual content here, not just SPAM, let me respond to the recent posts.
Ok - yeah I was pissed off because every few days a new crop of complaints come in. You're certainly entitled to come here and post them, not trying to stop them. My frustration comes out of the fact that no matter what changes I make, someone is going to hate it and complain about it. If I fix one thing to make group A happy, group B is mad now. So I make a fix to make Group B happy, well Group C is pissed off. Now certainly, if I was getting really shitty performance and the game didn't feel right to me, I'd complain and probably vote to bring back the old version too. I'm sorry that some of you are still having problems, I hate to alienate even members of our clan from wanting to play on our server.
The only thing I can suggest is (like Alky said) to try and get used to it. Honestly, I didn't see a lot of problems with 0.6.x, as I don't see a lot of problems with 0.7.2, so it's hard for me to understand where you're all coming from. You have to remember, the hitboxes are just that - boxes with 4 sides. They are not complex polygons that wrap the contour of the players body. So yeah, (pete and I tested this a few times) you can shoot outside the players body (a reasonable distance) and still score a hit. That's not different than the previous version, and I've got the demos to prove it. Therefore, yeah, you might be able to score a hit with someone who is "out of sight behind a corner". If the hitbox is exposed, you get hit. Plain and simple.
I'll say it again not to suggest changes, but we are using ETMain hitboxes - most servers are probably using 'improved hitboxes'. So that is why you probably see differences on other servers. Nort has expressed his desire to not change those hitboxes, and I respect that. I'm not going to ask for it anymore (cause then Group D will get pissed off -- get what I'm saying?).
There are so many factors at play here. Not only settings or code at play - but networking, pings, rates, tweaks, FPS. There are way too many things that may contribute to different feel and experiences for all people. You have to think about the dynamics of a game like this - how does the information of me pointing my mouse at one pixel on the screen and pressing the left button translate to different corners of the world to 15 different configured PCs? It's pretty amazing that it even works as well as it does if you think about it. Lighting fast response time and rendering of the fact that I am shooting at Plan9 who is literally half a world away from me. There are so many things that can happen to that information from the time I click the left button to the time Plan9's game decides where that bullet actually hits. Understand what I mean? What I see is not necessarily what he sees. We've all seen those demos of people aiming three feet behind a guy running across his field of view and score hits. And you're like - wtf! I wish I could aim three feet behind someone and get a hit. But you have to wonder, is that really what this guy sees?
I guess the point I'm trying to make here is - it's a game. It's imperfect. It's complicated. Maybe that doesn't make you feel any better. Maybe it isn't enough for you to just grin and bear it. Maybe it's not enough for you to keep playing at IoW. I don't know. But me clicking a few switches in the configs may not be the magic solution either.
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