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Poll :: getting tired?

 50%  [ 10 ]
already quit
 10%  [ 2 ]
not yet, still lovin it
 25%  [ 5 ]
hellz no fool, et fo life!
 15%  [ 3 ]
Voted : 0
Total Votes : 20

Subject:  getting tired?
So I take like a 10 day break from ET. Get some time to play last night. Sucks balls. I think I'm finally getting burned out on this game. Or maybe it was just a bad night....?

This game has been such a big part of my gaming life over the last 2.5 years, I can't imagine ever quitting.

Oh well, GH3 comes out next week. That's what I'm really itchin for.

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Meh, It's getting a little old. Only thing is, their are no other games =(

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True playing this game now isn't what it used to be. I remember when I first played this game it was all I had on my mind. I would try to slee[p and just think of what I can do in the game.Go to work and couldnt wait to get home to play it. Play all weekend long,with lil breaks in between to eat, and go to the bathroom. After a while though it starts to l;ose its appeal. Then it brings me back in,as im sure it does for everyone else. THere are still days when I yearn to play it, and other days when I want to delete all thins ET from my comp. I guess its just phases we all go thru. Besides you know there are days when we have great firefights and matches on the server,sometimes few and far between,but those are the things that keep me connecting.

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If it will help keep you guys more entertained I would like to try something a little bit new. I'm thinking of getting IoW some random Pub 6v6 scrims and maybe instead of pressuring memebers to show up we can have some of our regulars included. So like we have IoW ppl compete in it and if there are any open slots where we need someone just have some regulars play with us for fun. But if you dont mind ill get us some pub scrims for you guys to keep you entertained.

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I voted yes cuz there is no option 'a little bit tired'. Now when I connect it's like playing for 2 or 3 maps max.

1) Usually no ppl on
2) Some better things to do like druming
3) I miss times where 3/4 of our server where IoWs. Those were pretty great games.

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Quaz we still get alot of IoW members on at the same time.2 problems is that 1) its usually in our afternoon/night,and its ur morning and ur prolly at school. 2) There is usually always some IoW's aliased,and it doesnt appear that there are any of us on. I alias alot but thats just because i hate getting bothered every 2 seconds by people asking me to spec so and so or just for the plain fact to see how pubbers act when they dont see big brother on.I also do a !putteam silently to even teams.

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It's not the game. It's the people playing the game that causes the problems and the negativity in-game.

Everyone has opinions and when those get vocalized in global chat, things get complicated.

Failure to even up, people playing 15 maps as level 4 meds, complaining about people who play a certain class (even engy) although they play it very well, adrenaline, arty, fg42, damage, hitboxes (yeah I'm including some of my favorites as well)...all these things contribute to the non-fun times in ET.

The least fun of all is getting stacked against and having even admins think it's okay. I would LOVE to run engy when good meds are around, but alas, when I try to fight the good fight, I get an Axis team with level 4 FO, 2 beta meds, practically butt-hammering each other they are so close, with us a man down and one AFK.

Happened last night on another server. 6-3 counting the AFK and we STILL won after numbers evened.

Now that's a reason to still enjoy it.

It'd be wonderful if it were all stopwatch, meds couldn't eat their own packs, and people actually worked as a team. However, very few players want to have a game where they might get their butts handed to them by superior shooters/players. Some games are good that last 30 minutes but there are some really good games that last 8. Sometimes it's a beautiful thing to see an offense or a defense work so well together that the other team gets dominated...for a map. The problem arises when the people who just got rocked want to leave or jump to the other team instead of relying on admins or players to even them up, because it's the RIGHT thing to do.

It's a game, so what should we really expect? People are mostly selfish creatures, especially considering the ages of most of the players. I have come to the conclusion that I should play with /cg_teamchatsonly 1 every single time I play. If I go engy or FO and do well I hack, if I am a med, it's all juice. If I mortar, well that's just lame. And no, that's not aimed at anyone, just a compilation of things I've heard over the last month/4 years.

Everyone has opinions and when those get vocalized in global chat, things get complicated.

My thoughts.

Last edited by Nervous on Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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I see myself not playing ET if:
- I have no time
- I have something better to do
- Server is filled with morons

I think I still enjoy it, especially when cool ppl are on.

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hell, et is still fun to me, i still have an ultimate goal, of being good withing a year, which the year ends mid november so i got work 2 do, but im happy with the way ive been comin along, im def alot better then when i started, but it does get annyoing when there are ppl that are just dee dee dee but hey, we shouldnt complain, everyone sucked at 1st. but as stevo said, there are IoW ppz on alot, i now quite a few of the aliases =/ mostly i now the ones they use the most im NOT gonna list any for other ppl to see, but the best games are when there are even teams and not all IoW stacking one team, which happend and they dominated. thats my little speal, i prolly have a lot of spellin errors to lol

OFF Topic - Saw 4 coming out, prolly going to suck =/ i wouldnt recommend it =/

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no way i will ever be bored of this game. ive been consistently playing this game since the beta and im only 16 years old so you can only imagine that pathetic devotion. The thing is---not to sound cocky that once u get good enough at something, no matter what happens on the server you'll have a good time. also learning pro, playing scrims, learning how to tj, and just socializing on the servers all the time keeps me interested. Theres more to et than just the game its also all the iow members and my other et friends

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Fuzzy Burrito
Meh, I quit who knows how long ago, and I think there was only one night where I wish I could have played. Lately though, not even an itch.

*Also can't wait for GH3*
I'm definitely posting some videos of it too. I'd hope that the other Guitar Hero players could do the same to compare our skills.

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played yesterday since over 2 weeks, i got bored once fuel dump started, didnt feel like defending the damn map knowing we were going to get our ass handed to us and no one felt like switching, oh well, i switch a hell lot back and forth, get sick of it when no one else does, after awhile just get tired of it and want to leave, people just wanna win and have a high score, so let them

played yesterday night, were pretty good teams, althought dunno how the fuck alllies fucked it up and werent able to win on special delivery, annoyed me a shit load, think after that map i ended up being on the crap team with nerv (or maybe i wasnt?) anywho i think it was on railgun or sometin or maybe oasis, i dont remember, just in conclusion....

people that just wanna rape to get kills, no matter how fucked teams are, are show off to others, or those that arent good try to show off, is what is ruining the damn game

that and ex is still a freaking mine whore, damn whore

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I started on Supply Depot and joined ex's team (Allies). I can't play well for the first 5-10 minutes due to my ping being 200+ up and down, and lagging like crazy. After a while it smoothed out and I started shooting normally again. PB services crap A and B.

Ask Mayol who saved his butt while he was planting. :) After the hos left I played engy on Goldrush and had a blast basically 4v4 or 3v3.

Ggs to ex, Mikeman, J-man, J-mama, Grave, and the other folks. It was fun.

Seriously, the worst thing about playing on the server is the spawn times for Axis. If teams are fair, no way Axis should spawn every 15. You can barely run through Oasis spawn and up the stairs in 5-6. On Goldrush, it's beyond ridiculous.

If you want to keep the hos from stacking up Axis, make them wait in spawn a little longer, like the game originally intended.

Sorry to bring up a "complaint", but 9/10 times the Allies aren't rolling so much as getting pinned by elitist frag hos aliasing and teaming up on Axis. Mikeman and I were shooting 50's over halfway through the map, and I think I finished at 49 (I was Axis engy 95 percent of the time). If I got killed on a good rush, I could use the limbo menu, switch to med and get to the truck before they did. That's not a good thing really.

I'm not suggesting drastic measures, but the offense should spawn at least 5 seconds faster than Axis on every map. Really more like 10. Fuel dump, Allies run forever to get to the base, kill everyone and they all pile out of spawn < 15 seconds later. Think about it. Axis could theoretically respawn for the SECOND time after the dyno is planted, right as it blows.


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LOL seriously Nerv. You have to put a complaint in every single thread, and I'm not cocky here, it's just a funny observation.

It's a post about if you are tired of et not what you don't like here :D :wink:

Peace J =)

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We've already got dozens of threads to complain about our server. We are well aware of your issues with the spawntimers, it has been brought up and discussed before. This thread is NOT supposed to be about complaining about the server. It's simply a thread about getting tired of the game - regardless of server, regardless of mod, regardless of good community, regardless of settings, regardless of lamers, and finally -- regardless of aliased-team-stacking iow members.

Can we keep it on topic please?

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