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Poll :: Why aren't you at IoW?

Too busy with real-life. Other things to do.
 45%  [ 14 ]
I hate the new upgrade and settings. I play elsewhere now.
 0%  [ 0 ]
I don't really play this game anymore.
 12%  [ 4 ]
I won't join the server if it is empty. It is always empty!
 19%  [ 6 ]
Taking a break, but I expect to be back.
 9%  [ 3 ]
I don't like the people on our server anymore. It has been ruined by bad admins, bad members or bad pubbers
 6%  [ 2 ]
Found a server I like better. Nothing against IoW.
 3%  [ 1 ]
Won't even connect if there are x (insert magic number) or less players. I hate small games!
 3%  [ 1 ]
Voted : 31
Total Votes : 31

Subject:  Re: Where is everyone?

It is Quizzle who plays CoD4 not me =)

@rest and Wal-mart

Wal you already posted your reason. This team would be better without all that shittalk. Please.

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Subject:  Re: Where is everyone?
I had to take vacation from work or else id lose the days.

So I have thursday and friday off every week for the month of june.

Its 11:42am est on Thursday, and no one is in the server.

I got all day to kick butt and no ones there.

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sit in spec for a map or two, you'd be surprised that you can get the ball rolling by just attracting a few players.

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Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
Only posting cause i have my top 3 reasons...

i thought you were already done posting. wut?

the idea of branching iow into other games might be tricky. the reason i play et, and i'm sure a lot of other people play et, is because it's free and it's low-maintenance. unlike wow, you don't have to be playing so much every day just to level up or what have you. you don't have to pay for a subscription or any expansions that people might want to buy in the clan. likewise, if we branched into cod4 for 360, i wouldn't want to shell out $300 for the game, console, and whatever else, not to mention the monthly Live fee. i don't have that kind of money to throw around.
i don't know if i'm the only one, but if iow branches out into anything else, i'm still playing et.

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schism wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
i don't know if i'm the only one, but if iow branches out into anything else, i'm still playing et.


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BECK wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
schism wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
i don't know if i'm the only one, but if iow branches out into anything else, i'm still playing et.



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Subject:  Re: Where is everyone?
Hi guys! I have been quite busy. ( Lots of RL things to do) I have actually tried to be more out with friends :D Its summer, so i will be away from home quite much. Lots of partys and festivals coming. Its also been damn hot in here (over 25C), so we have been drinking much... It looks like im going to be drank 50% of my summer holiday. :?
I still have lag problems, so i guess i have to buy a new computer. But ill try to be online couple times in a week. Cya<3

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Subject:  Re: Where is everyone?
nice to see quazi playing today.
sat in spec for an hour today while i folded clothes, gchip joined first and we could get a little 5's going on the server today. i think summer will bring a lot more traffic.

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Branching out to one other game wouldn't be that difficult. As for the 360 idea, it wouldn't work and PC > consoles anyday of the week.

And for you diehard ET players, I know where you guys are coming from, I will always play ET because it is such a great game but having a little variety never hurt anyone.

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Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
Well I'm done posting after this

What a liar!!!!

ANd instead of coming on here in talking shit you should have kept your server and your clan up. BTW that was a total success....for about 2 months.When you make a clan and a server last for close to 3 years then come back and taunt us all you want. For now I hope you do only play on ANG now,it will be a better environment for everyone at IoW.GG thanx.

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StEVoNuB420 wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
Well I'm done posting after this

What a liar!!!!

ANd instead of coming on here in talking shit you should have kept your server and your clan up. BTW that was a total success....for about 2 months.When you make a clan and a server last for close to 3 years then come back and taunt us all you want. For now I hope you do only play on ANG now,it will be a better environment for everyone at IoW.GG thanx.


I think branching out to CoD4 for the PC could be a good idea since that seems to be where alot of people go when they leave ET but I too will play ET as long as schism and gchip do, but it might help keep things more active if we branched out to another game, or it could go terribly :lol:

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schism wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
Only posting cause i have my top 3 reasons...

unlike wow, you don't have to be playing so much every day just to level up or what have you. you don't have to pay for a subscription or any expansions that people might want to buy in the clan.

Don't let WoW grasp a hold of you, it NEVER lets go.

I do have to say, there is always something to do.

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Subject:  Re: Where is everyone?
Well im glad you guys LIKE my idea of branching out :) I say cod 4 pc we branch and maybe 1 or 2 other games on pc. And we just expand the iow forums to have a section for each of those games. DEFINITLY keep up the playing of ET but just give out more options to attract more people. Maybe ppl on cod4 or other games may wanna come back to iow if they see our forums and what not. I figure the iow server is hurtin lately so why not try something out maybe it'll help!!!

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Subject:  Re: Where is everyone?
rawr. i will still play et as well. cuz i dont have money to get new games. the money i get from my parents i waste on food and stuff. (those acai cups at jambajuice are $5 heaven-in-a-cups)

also, yeah the pub server is easy to get rolling. i just couldn't seem to aim well on it today.

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well. lets all blame wal like always..

but yeah. im not playing because of the lack of people. i love the server and all its settings.. i mean the panzer thing might get annoying but truthfully i love the hitboxes, the hitsounds, the movement speeds, damage. blabla..

im always sad to see the server empty when i feel like playing.. cuz i would have to go to px or qua or whatnot.. and their server settings suck balls.. majorly.

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