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Poll :: Heal Timer?

 41%  [ 7 ]
 58%  [ 10 ]
 0%  [ 0 ]
Voted : 17
Total Votes : 17

Subject:  Heal Timer.
Do you like the 3 second heal timer on our server?

In my opinion, No.

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Subject:  Re: Heal Timer.
Personally i like it off but i do like to heal sometimes but since we have stopped with rambo meds its gotten better and i dont rely on packs anymore so as long as its not abused i dont care if we take it off. Raider though will never stop packing.

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i still find it quite retarded, usually after a kill or 2, i try to run back to do obj or find an engie or sometin and i waste like 3 packs, then i lay down 2 more that finally heal and by time i get to my eng, cant heal anymore

dont think it stops people from being rambo meds, just more annoying

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Subject:  Re: Heal Timer.
also, 17 sec spawntimes.

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I say just leave it the way it is. Honestly there has been one too many things that have caused many of our regulars to stop coming to our server. WE have lost a huge base of players and the server is empty because of that.

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zupadupa wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
I say just leave it the way it is. Honestly there has been one too many things that have caused many of our regulars to stop coming to our server. WE have lost a huge base of players and the server is empty because of that.
True, many changes at once makes people leave. Also, it would be a good idea to try to get more people playing ET, especially this server. Maybe you should go ahead with making that frag vid you have in the poll on the front page, & put it on youtube & such to advertize. :mine :rnade :panzer

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Subject: is dying IMO. You lose more players everyday than you gain new ones. Settings changes are a pariah. And remember why we made the changes? Because the player base was shrinking and we had to change things that people constantly bitched about -- RAMBO meds being the #1 complaint.

hmmm....maybe when the new Wolf comes out it might cause a renewed interest in ET???

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BECK wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
hmmm....maybe when the new Wolf comes out it might cause a renewed interest in ET???

...or kill it entirely...and I think we said that when Quake Wars came out. LOL

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Subject:  Re: Heal Timer.
I do think ET is going downhill, but it's still alive. IMHO you allowed the wrong types of players to frequent your server, whether they were legit or not (pretty much guarantee some were not). They ran off the players who were average or slightly above average. Then you allowed a couple of little nagging buttheads to ruin your forums by posting every thought or whim that popped into their little brains.

You should have installed etpub, left all settings default and just removed adren. When someone owned it up too much by being a corner-camping, packing defense-loving med, or a field op that hardly fired their smg or gave ammo, then kick them until they learn to do something else.

You guys will always say the hitboxes are "right" or whatever...I don't even know anymore, but I still don't play here because they are not the same as other etpub servers, not that there are many of those anymore. Most people play JayMod or worse, NQ. IMO, not as an elitest (I'm not that good), but as a purist, you should load up ET Pro and go stopwatch. Most of the people left are more of the objective folks and wouldn't mind the lack of xpsave. XP save being the one thing I think has ruined ET. At least you have FF on. FF off is the most ignorant option on the planet.

BTW, the server I do frequent now allows everyone BUT medics to have adren. That sucks too, but it's still better than meds having it. Anytime it takes 20-25 shots to take anyone down and then GIB them, the game is not set up correctly. I remember gibbing folks with a couple of headshots when I first came to IoW. The other day I could waste a clip taking out one person. Takes the probability of killing more than one person almost off the table unless you have autoswitch off and go to pistols when you run out. Reload and your dead. That's why there are a lot of 1-1 ratios despite some spectacular shooters frequenting the server. I will never forget shooting 44 on the server for a whole Oasis round and breaking even at something like 44-44.

I'm not asking admins from whatever server to give me the configs, because it's easier just to play somewhere else. As always with ET, someone will complain no matter what the config. Mostly I'd say the player base changed and that's what has effectively killed your server. People playing med and staying connected to keep adren for days, and people playing panzer in 3v3's. That didn't happen in the "old days". I remember the fun when I first started playing of having a 6 map rotation where xp reset after the 6th map, no matter what. You found most good players not going for kills so much as trying to get General in 6 maps. Wow! People playing all the classes. How novel an idea! Only when weaker players started building servers to level the playing field with special configs did ET start heading down the path to obscurity.

On the bright side, GH World Tour comes out at the end of October and Far Cry 2 is around the same time, or maybe November.


Last edited by Nervous on Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:58 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Subject:  Re: Heal Timer.
honeslty i think it should be off, and im with nerv o nthis, set everything default, and remove adren (this is coming from someone who has been using it)

also the heal timer stops you from packing an engi if they been shot, i noticed that, even if there nor med they have to wait to pick up packs that a med throw down, which in all sense sucks for the engi, cause for the 3 seconds, hes low hp, and cant pack and prone to be killed

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what are the servers u still play on then nervous? let us in on the secrets to best server settings.

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Subject:  Re: Heal Timer.
Still looking for the one I desire. Evidently, it doesn't exist. QAW is close, except they have sped the game up even much faster than IOW. They also have adren for everyone but meds, which is a tremendous strain on ammo. You can check SL for which ones I have visited. I just want a good ETPub game that's actually administered like people want a good game, and not just a good game for them, personally. Jaymod is horrible, but now I mostly just look for a server that has a large number of players, like BBA. Of course XP save ruins those as well since you have cracked flamers running in the open killing 4 or 5 before someone drops them.

It's simple. Load up ETPub, stock, turn off adren and let the speed be normal with stock hitboxes.

The biggest reasons teams are stacked is due to XP save, adren, and Axis running defense on all the maps.

Should be simple. Everyone wants stuff to help THEIR game. How about going back to the way the game was meant to be played? I've always been willing to play offense and give up adren, but you need to keep the tweaks off the server IMO. You also might consider flipping the teams once every three or four maps, so people whoring it up on D must eat a little lead once in a while.


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i agree with nervous has said, although i feel like a tweak of removing adren and limiting arty wouldn't hurt the server a bit, similar to what IoW had at its beginning, people waiting for many minutes to get on because the server was full

I guess its too late at this point, even though we have seen a slight increase in server population, it is very far from what it was slightly over a year ago

and i really never saw the big damn deal about being on defense, i personally find it annoying waiting for people to come, i can honestly care less that i can get more kills on D, sitting waiting and camping, not as fun

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I too think we should remove adren, it's dumb.

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PistolPete wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
i agree with nervous has said, although i feel like a tweak of removing adren and limiting arty wouldn't hurt the server a bit, similar to what IoW had at its beginning, people waiting for many minutes to get on because the server was full

I guess its too late at this point, even though we have seen a slight increase in server population, it is very far from what it was slightly over a year ago

and i really never saw the big damn deal about being on defense, i personally find it annoying waiting for people to come, i can honestly care less that i can get more kills on D, sitting waiting and camping, not as fun

no i meant to completely go back to stock settings, and just remove adren and limit arty a bit would prolly make this server more appealing to the general public

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