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Poll :: Heal Timer?

 41%  [ 7 ]
 58%  [ 10 ]
 0%  [ 0 ]
Voted : 17
Total Votes : 17

I also agree what Nervous said. We let way too many little bad things happen and lost all the good base of players we used to have. Yes ET is dying slowly, but I have yet to see a free standalone online multiplayer game that has lasted or has been anywhere near as addictive as this game is.

I think that default settings would be great and dropping the XP save would be a really good idea. I loved to be able to play a full six map campaign and then have the xp reset. That way you have to work hard to get the perks from leveling up and it makes the game more interesting. Yes it might be unfair for some players, but that is just the nature of this game considering the wide range of skills of players.

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Subject:  Re: Heal Timer.
i agree with zupa who agrees with nervous

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I agree with gchip who agrees with zupa who agrees with nervous.

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I agree with venom who agrees with gchip who agrees with zupa who agrees with nervous.

but i would also like to add that along with all the settings and shit. i would also like to play with people. not on an empty server. all these setting might be fun and all, but with no one on the server, there is absolutely no point in them.

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Subject:  Re: Heal Timer.
I meet many former regular players from IOW on other servers. And why I do not play on IOW? Because is usually at nowadays empty.
I attend that except settings you need new blood from other time zones. People from Europe they played that here more often, if in hours when you sleep. Somebody was on duty on the server in euruotime playing hours.
Yes, I think about myself. I like very much with you to duel, but usually for me this is the dead of night.
I agree with ZUPA and Nervous.
This average players do attendances on the server. Outstanding killers are only outstanding, when can this show to peasants with a middle-size-skilled-guys (to such as me :P).

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PumpkiN wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand

I agree with venom who agrees with gchip who agrees with zupa who agrees with nervous.

but i would also like to add that along with all the settings and shit. i would also like to play with people. not on an empty server. all these setting might be fun and all, but with no one on the server, there is absolutely no point in them.

Couldn't have said it any better imho

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