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Poll :: Should IoW move from ETPUB-8 to Silent MOD?

 94%  [ 16 ]
 0%  [ 0 ]
More testing is needed
 5%  [ 1 ]
Voted : 17
Total Votes : 17

Subject: Note VOTE NOW! Implement Silent MOD
Alright, usually these sort of decisions (major ones at that) are reserved for IoW Admins only. I thought about that, then I thought I should let the members vote, then it occurred to me that we do have regulars who frequent here, and without you (the regulars) our server is really not that special.

So, I wanted to include all members of the greater IoW family, including regulars and registered forum publics to express their opinion of the Silent MOD that we've been testing out for the last 4-6 weeks.

If you haven't played it, let me give you a few major features:
  • Based on ETPUB 9 - similar feel and speed
  • Hitboxes are forced to g_hiboxes "31" setting - the so called "improved" and more accurate hitboxes.
  • New gun - the Ppsh available to a few classes - carries a 40 round clip and can do a lot of damage.
  • Trip-mines added for engineers - adds a whole new element of defense even inside buildings.
  • Tons of great new HUD features, including a K/D/Spree display (I love it)
  • Improved UI look and feel
  • Better fireteam notifications - such as where members are, and what class they are respawning to
  • Native widescreen support

This is by no means an exhaustive list.

For reference - we are currently running ETPUB 8 on our server. We toyed with upgrading to ETPUB 9, but development has stopped on ETPUB completely, and it seems that Silent is picking up the torch and carrying it forward. This is good for us, we can expect bug fixes and more improvements in the future.

So, please vote now.

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i have still not figured out the widescreen support. where do i get to it. someone said it should be somewhere in the "esc" menu but i cant find it!

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Subject:  Re: VOTE NOW! Implement Silent MOD
I vote "YES", but only after we correct the teammate hitsound issue.

I'll work on it tonight.

PumpkiN wrote (View Post): ›
i have still not figured out the widescreen support. where do i get to it. someone said it should be somewhere in the "esc" menu but i cant find it!

I am not sure about everything that is changed by the widescreen support. I know the menus and hud are both fixed (they are no longer distorted by being stretched out). I am not sure if I have it working completely on my end, but the only settings I have set are the customaspect settings in my config. The main changes I notice are some screens have bars on each side, the compass is now a circle, and the weapons are not distorted anymore. Not sure if it goes more in depth than those changes. I'll post in the silEnT forums and see if I can get more information.

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MIller has a web utility that will tell you the config settings you need for ET based on your screen resolution - then you just put them in your autoexec.cfg and exec it (probably need a vid_restart after it).

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Sgt. Hobbs
Subject:  Re: VOTE NOW! Implement Silent MOD
I'm with JVI on the teammate hit sounds. I killed 4 teammates last night because I thought they were enemies because of the hit-sounds. fix that test it then put it on the server.

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It was worse for me. I got killed numerous times by coverts because I hesitated to shoot them thinking they were teammates.

We need the "HOLD YOUR FIRE!" back on :D

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Whoever voted for "more testing is needed", please clarify.

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BECK wrote (View Post): › Whoever voted for "more testing is needed", please clarify.

I believe that goes with Hobbs comment...
Sgt. Hobbs wrote (View Post): ›
I'm with JVI on the teammate hit sounds. I killed 4 teammates last night because I thought they were enemies because of the hit-sounds. fix that test it then put it on the server.

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Karl Hungus
Subject:  Re: VOTE NOW! Implement Silent MOD
I vote for immediate implementation! This is a solid mod, even with 150+ pings for everyone we (well I) had a lot of fun, and in my opinion the best way to find and work out any potential bugs is to play the shit out of it!

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LOL - except for the fact that JvI (at ~10 ping) was shooting around 50% all night LOL.

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Karl Hungus
Subject:  Re: VOTE NOW! Implement Silent MOD
Well even so, I had fun, and if we implement the mod, it will be on a server where JvI cant destroy us (as much)

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Sgt. Hobbs
Subject:  Re: VOTE NOW! Implement Silent MOD
yes I said Testing. simple list

-fix sounds (and hold your fire)
-test it
-swap it.

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Subject:  Re: VOTE NOW! Implement Silent MOD
I couldn't get the teammate hitsound to work, even when using all default hitsounds. I'll post on the silEnT forum to see if it is a bug or if I am just going about it in the wrong way.

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Thanks JVI - and this is no rush, take your time and get things right. We'll do the move over when things are ready.

Also - really be nice to get Nort's blessing on this -- he is the boss after all....

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well about that.. i would say he is the money, and you beck, are the boss :D

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