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Poll :: Add spree sounds?

 83%  [ 15 ]
 16%  [ 3 ]
Voted : 18
Total Votes : 18

Subject:  Spree notifications
Ok - so we've had the text notifications "multikill" "killing spree" etc...running for a few months now.

Maybe it's time to ratchet things up a bit and add the corresponding sound effects for these? I know there are some who hate the idea, but I'm just gauging what the interest would be to have this stuff.

Personally, I love them - "MOOOOOONNNSTER KILL"!!!! :lol:

Take a gander at them:

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I like the sounds.

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Subject:  Re: Spree notifications
Those kill spree sound effects annoy me. If I wanted a game with sound effects like that, I would play Unreal Tournament. :lol:

On the other hand, maybe that would be a good reason to play ET less often and get some more work done! :wink:

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Fuzzy Burrito
Subject:  Re: Spree notifications
I'd be game to hear some sounds - depending.

My question is, since I've never played on servers with these sounds, do all players hear everyone's spree sounds, or just myself for my own sprees? The answer given to that question will sprout another question; whether the answer is yes or no.

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If I recall, we can set flags on who hears them - everyone, proximity, or just the player itself. Personally, I think it sorta negates the purpose of the sounds if only the player achieving them hears them. Perhaps there is a way (a cvar or something) to turn off these sort of sounds - I know in ETPro you can disable audible chats. If so, it could be implemented for those who want them can have them, and those who think it's just audio spam can turn them off. I'll do some research...

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i would like to have the sounds to go along with the spree notification.

dont lie Master you want more porn watching time? you dont fool any1 :D

Last edited by ShellShocked on Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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fuck yeah!

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I don't want you to feel alienated from the server :(

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i do .....go away bitch, LOL ... <3

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Might be able to with this var:

cg_noVoiceChats "1"

But that would effect all voice chats. Worth a try....

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Subject:  Re: Spree notifications
The only way I would support adding these sounds is if there is a way to turn them off without disabling the standard voice chats. I have been avoiding all the servers with all those extra sounds and weird graphics mods.

I would just rather play without them.

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cl_allowdownloads 0 = fixed

really a sound here and there is something that would piss you off so much you would stop playing?

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lol shell you're rocking the cg_allowdownloads today :P

I like them, but it's a non-issue for me. If JvI doesn't like them, then we don't have to have them.

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past week u mean ... dont want a servers crap then allowdownloads 0 is the answer!!! as long as you have all the maps shouldnt be a problem.

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Subject:  Re: Spree notifications
JvIasterMind wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
Those kill spree sound effects annoy me. If I wanted a game with sound effects like that, I would play Unreal Tournament. :lol:

On the other hand, maybe that would be a good reason to play ET less often and get some more work done! :wink:
wow what a buzz kill. Its just a game, have some fun with it imo.

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