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Poll :: Do you support the idea of expanding past stock maps?

 52%  [ 11 ]
 47%  [ 10 ]
Voted : 1
Total Votes : 21

1) I have always hated radar and was in favor in railgun, however, there is just one issue, when teams are stacked on railgun, its impossible for axis to get our of their spawn, arty whorin, heavy weapon whorin, med whorin, it all ruins the map

2) i say this 8 stock map is kinda of annoyin, however to maybe freshen it up, get rid of fuel dump twice as people get sick of that map, i try to get the radar with grass, although grass makes shootin lot my challenging, it is murder for peeps like me that are glitchy like hell in grass

3) if people want a small stock maps, it would suck with large amounts of people, for exmaple, lets say we use frostbite, imagine 8 poeple per team playin on that map, it would get crowded, the same i feel wit supply depot, specially with stacked teams and that many players, its spawn camping heaven, and large maps wont work because they take long to download and many people dont know them

4) basically we are left with these mid sized maps, such as special delivery, that not too many people are fond of, although easy to learn, i doubt they will become popular and people will not be willin to download

5) therefore i vote to leave the stock maps but mess around with the 8 map stock rotation because its a drag

EDIT: i think we need to start another campaign to populat our twl server, today i got pissed off the noobiness of our pub and i took 2 peeps with me but they went back to pub because the server was empty, i would really, really, like to have a fanbase there in that i prefer pro over pub, also i really enjoy playin twl custom maps with skillful players, it makes the game so much challenging and interesting

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Subject:  new
I also wanted new maps for having gold, fuel and oaisi twice makes them get boring more faster. I felt like i want a change. It feels like we are just playing them twice in a row. If no new maps are inserted then just make it a 6 map rotation so all the maps will be going around only once.

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I think that we should change radar with railgun. I wrote that already on the admin area. And that we should bring one or two customs and see what the pubs are thinking. We should bring some which a lot of peeps already know or which are not so complicated. And i dont think that we have so many peeps on our server which start playing that game. So the most know the game and they know what to do when they dont know a map. Idk whats the problem with a new map is. They just have to find out how it works and when they are easy ... i see no prob in that.
I say we should give it a try and the pubs will tell us what they think.
The rotation now is boring. But only with the change of radar and rail we cant change that imo.
And i posted it already its werh a try.

And peteboy i guess on the pro are not so many peeps cause they dont like the prosettings. I would like to play all these maps but i cant play on pro. And on my time are no peeps on there.

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Fuzzy Burrito
Let's go against BECK'S rules, and turn this into a flame war. (note i am aware that this could be edited/deleted).

regardless of how easy supply depot is to learn and navigate, it should never be implemented on IoW. It is a stopwatch map, and you know when allies roll over axis is 3 and a half minutes, axis is gonna be leaving, or bitching and moaning about shuffling, etc.

Appropriate customs: caen, venice, sabrepeak (sabrepeak is hYuge though).

See, ive noticed in such similar discussions on different forums/servers etc, and a map that always comes up is Frostbite. Now, I've been playing ET for 3 years and 2 months... and I have no idea WTF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! so i wouldn't suggest that map for the same reason.

bacerace -- you either love it or hate it. and im almost certain more people hate it than love it.


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We had baserace on. So we dont wanna do that again i would think :roll:
I love baserace and i know a good german server for it. And i know that the peeps on our server dont like it. We dont need to discuss about baserace, imo.

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Subject:  maybe
Maybe we should give a warning saying that we might try put in a couple customs will love it if they tried them and gave thier options to the clan. This might motivate them to try it. We can also ask the iow members to tell new guys that they can download all maps in so they don't have to wait a long time. We must first explain it to them or they will think about something and spread the word which will be incorrect.

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Whoracle wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand
Let's go against BECK'S rules, and turn this into a flame war. (note i am aware that this could be edited/deleted).

Not that it matters anymore...I don't give a shit.

I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed in the vote results. But if you're all happy with the shit stock maps forever, so be it. Just like everything else, no one is going to agree 100% on anything. Everyone hates Radar, funny because it's probably my favorite stock map. So Radar goes, and I'm not happy. Bring in customs, 53% of the people (as of now) are not happy. Frankly, I don't really care anymore.

I have said in other places (just like Stev0 said above), that a full server of stock maps is always better than an empty server of customs. I would hate to see the pub server down to low numbers again as well, I understand that.

I just wish people would embrace some of the customs and not be so damned afraid of them - I mean, there are some great maps out there that I miss playing. And this argument that "big maps confuse people" - well hell, I remember when I was a noob, getting lost in the tunnels on Fuel Dump, running around the map trying to find someone to shoot at not realizing that the action had progressed to the other side of the map. The point being, everyone has to learn a map at some point or another, even if they're the stock maps.

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Subject:  touching
That was really touching dude. :cry:

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OK, i am putting an end to this custom/stock debate once and for all.
I have negotiated with the server host to swap the private match server to a public server, and will pay more out of pocket for this.
BUT you now will have one etpub server dedicated for a period of 3 months to whatever custom maps you want. Beck and made since you two are the biggest voice for custom maps YOU guys are in charge of planning out what maps you want in a 10 map campaign file. I'll set up the server then sink or swim you guys can try to populate it. this debate is really getting old as we have tried this several times and have had no luck with server population.
The etpro server sits empty half hte time anyway so we can just do like other clans and lock that with a password for match times and open it back up afterwards. We will reevaluate the situation in 3 months.
Now everyone has what they want and this will DEFINETLY put an end to the discussion becuase we have 3 months to gather facts and data on this.

Last edited by Nort on Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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As I am considering returning to playing OCCASIONALLY if I can avoid a divorce over the MENTION of it, I figured I might add a comment or two.

I voted yes, but it's conditional.

As mentioned above, you just CAN'T put huge custom maps on a server that is known to have a player base that obviously hates downloading maps.

One thing to note is that most people with fast connections do not mind downloading custom maps, AS LONG as the MOTD or some other method is used to CLEARLY state an alternative download location than from the actual game server. Also, I've never played here when downloads were necessary, but the first time someone gets a download and it reads 6KBPS, they are done. End of story. Most likely will not come back.

That leaves you with having a high download rate setting on your game server which COULD lead to performance issues.

FYI: Venice is freaking huge too, but it's still one of the OVERALL most well-received customs. Saberpeak is cool for Axis meds, FOs and snipers...that's it. Becomes a sniper war if the Axis team is even remotely stronger than Allies. 100+ kill map for above average juiced meds, easy.

Railgun >>>> radar, just because everyone doesn't run 7950's in SLI mode or have top of the line processors and monitors. I personally LOVE radar, because even with teams skewed one way or another both sides still have a chance. The objectives are spread out and there's more than one or two ways back to the truck. Railgun runs a HUGE risk of having stacked Allies camp the living crap out of the Axis, but that's an admin job to keep that from happening for 30 minutes. Both are fine in any rotation in my opinion.

I think the issue of playing the same customs more than once in a rotation is a big one. One of my least favorite things about playing here was seeing fuel dump twice and reasonably close together in a rotation. I like fuel dump, but I definitely can live with it once because of the whole useless sniper noobs that frequent the the Allies teams I usually play on ; )

In summary, both radar AND railgun. Do custom maps, but only one or two. Keep the download rates high for the few who do not have sense enough to download them from the website, or from SL's site (or linked site). Custom maps should not have big pinch points where the offense is mostly a sitting duck.

Try to think of a map like a noob when selecting it. If it has no instructions in the limbo screen, then a noob can't learn about the objectives quickly inside the game and will feel left out or lost. Nobody likes to play like that way.

Also, if you are a member of the clan and support the clan, then whatever decision is made here should be one by which you abide, either way. In doing so, you would need to make yourself available to newer players on the customs to answer questions, instead of always worrying about kill ratios or accuracy. Trust me, I've been there, and you must have a strong sense of respect for 90% of the clan members from the player base or you are screwbie-dewbied.

You have great admins, and some that are just coming up to speed. Admins and the level of control they exert/impose on the player base is crucial to keeping a server full. Nobody wants to play with hackers--you do a great job here--and nobody likes to hear complainers (mute is your friend).

God willing, I might find myself on the server sometime soon to frag a few rounds here and there. I doubt anyone will hold their breath, and they rightly should not ; )

Good luck and God bless.
aka Nervous

P.S. Most of the best players play on the ETPro server and do not like jumping back and forth. Most newbs do not want to go to a server where everyone else there rocks their head everytime they round a corner. Just my opinion.

Last edited by Nervous on Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Subject:  so
Cool. So that solves everything then. Peace out :D

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Nort wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand
OK, i am putting an end to this custom/stock debate once and for all.
I have negotiated with the server host to swap the private match server to a public server, and will pay more out of pocket for this.
BUT you now will have one etpub server dedicated for a period of 3 months to whatever custom maps you want. Beck and made since you two are the biggest voice for custom maps YOU guys are in charge of planning out what maps you want in a 10 map campaign file. I'll set up the server then sink or swim you guys can try to populate it. this debate is really getting old as we have tried this several times and have had no luck with server population.
The etpro server sits empty half hte time anyway so we can just do like other clans and lock that with a password for match times and open it back up afterwards. We will reevaluate the situation in 3 months.
No everyone has what they want and this will DEFINETLY put an end to the discussion becuase we have 3 months to gather facts and data on this.

Don't expect Made to help - he's pissed off about it too, and even voted no for this very poll. I appreciate the strings you pulled, but I really would hate for you to have to pay extra for this. Especially since no one is putting any faith into it actually working - "sit on an empty server and get it populated". Well, I'm only one person, who when I play* am on during late night hours, 3 maybe 4 nights a week. Hard to get it running that way....

Secondly (*) I'm going to be undertaking a personal project that will be taking away my game time, so I probably won't be on very much for the next few months anyway. Certainly, I would like to see a custom or two, but I started this thread just to get a general feel of the community, and apparenly, my desire is not reflected by a majority. I did not start this thread with a hard fist demanding we get customs, "or else".

I appreciate what you are trying to do Nort, to make everyone happy, but now you're shifting the responsibility onto me and Tangik to make this thing worthwhile, and I don't see that happening. If it's not too late, I'd ask that you respect the majority and not pay extra and go to all the trouble to set up a server that you know is going to fail.

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to clarify something. all our servers use HTTP downloads rather then pull from the server. The download rate people get is never going to be a 6kb excluding for small files that take only a few seconds even at 6kb
also as stated we will now have 3 public servers
1 -etpro
1-etpub stock
1-etpub "custom"
I have everyone covered for what they requested at this point.

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...Good luck...

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Karnie wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand
..Good luck...

See -- I take that as a sarcastic comment because you know it's going to be a disaster. So we're already setting up for failure...forgive me if I misunderstand.

Well I suppose since the public ET-Pro TWL server still hasn't really taken off, might as well try putting pub on there and some of the more popular customs. Results for it can't be any worse then we've seen for the Pro server, which in my own experience has been a painful display of 2 v 2 or even 2 v 1 itself. I'm sure it's had it's moments of kick-ass popularity...

And I'm not saying it needs to be 100% customs. I like to play the stock maps, it'd just be nice to introduce a map or two into the mix and cut the repeats. So you say I can have a say in choosing the rotation, that's how I'd do it.

For example (since my own rules about map discussion have been long ignored :roll:):

Goldrush (a beloved stock)
Caen (fun and short custom)
Oasis (another beloved stock)
Venice (fun but longer custom - one of the most popular (large download))
Fuel Dump (well liked stock)
Axis Lab (damn fun custom)
Battery (well, at least most people like battery, I think)
Supply Depot 2

Other good customs would be perhaps Frostbite, special delivery or et_beach. I realize some of them are better at SW matches, but it's not like you can't play them as campaign.

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