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I want my old IoW server back
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Poll :: Should we go back to our old pub version?

Hell yes we should
 44%  [ 15 ]
No,I actually like this gay ass mod
 55%  [ 19 ]
Voted : 2
Total Votes : 34

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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:28 pm   Post subject:  I want my old IoW server back Back to top 

I played on our server for the first time since the upgrade,and I must confess,IT FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!

I do appreciate the work u put into it to change it Beck,but:

The hitboxes are worse than they were before.Before it used to be just crouch hax,now when the cursor is on the target the bullets still go thru them.

Whats up with the prw crap? Wheres the good ol xp? Yeah I know it shouldnt matter what the xp is and blah blah blah.But the reason I dont play on HH servers is cuz they have this prw stuff.

This made my ET experience even worse tonight.I played with the expectations of enjoying the new mod,I was sadly dissapointed,and then it led to agravation,which eventually led to frustration. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

10 thumbs way down!!!

P.S. Not to mention we are at 0 players now on the server. ON A FRIDAY FUCKIN NIGHT!!!!!!!! COuld this new mod be the prob?

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:35 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I don't play pub, so doesn't bother me much. We had the upgraded pub on the private server, it's still on there, but I didn't see much a difference. Just more video spam, text and graphics. It's odd that the pub server is empty right now, it's the weekend!

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USA US Indiana
PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:44 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I was there with stevo. For myself I cant make a judgement on the mod cuase of my shitty computer. However, tell me if this makes sense. I play this afternoon against some noobs and i got owned. Got so mad I up and left. ALmost broke my laptop. Then I play tonight against some great pubbers and had positive kill ratios every map. I was owning stevo and whor...(ftw!!!) lol they both got mad and left...woot Very Happy But seriously is there any way to get a running vote on the server to see who likes it and who doesnt. Or at least put a message telling people to come to our website and vote and/or comment about the new upgrade. If I had to vote I would say keep it for now. At least for a few more days maybe a week before making a decision. As for the low attendance, I think it has been like this for last three fridays. Im gonna have to start making my fiance play if attendance stays like this Shocked . Yeah right she thinks this game was created by the devil. Well just my two cents.

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6971 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:26 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Well I haven't played in a while so I could not really tell if I was uncomfortable because of the new mod or because I am simply not in the et condition. I would think I'm simply out of practice.

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185 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:59 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

As long as theres not an ass load of tweaked settings (PPl move super fucking fast, it takes 70 shots to kill some one,ect) I like the game very default (except my customized stuff, config,ect) Ill come and try to give you guys some traffic tomorrow its been while since ive played ETpub

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52 Points

United Kingdom UK England
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:37 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

i feel the same as stevo, cant hit shit now my acc has gone way down and plan9's crouch hax has improved i given you my ten thumbs as well. oh and my headshots i was getting a steady 70-100 most maps now lucky if i get 30 Crying or Very sad

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Fuzzy Burrito
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9964 Points

Canada CA Ontario
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:53 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Shot 23% and went 8-25. That shit never happened before.

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General of the Army
General of the Army
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USA US Colorado
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:59 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

No settings changes.

No indication from the eptub guys that they did ANYHING to the hitboxes.

No way that our numbers being down has anything to do with this. It's been shitty for two weeks.

But, I don't give a shit, you want it back, I'll put it back. I'm not going to fight for it. You just gotta remember -- you can't fricken make everyone happy. You keep the current settings, you get people bitching and moaning about hitboxes there and crouch hax and lag and all that shit, so we try and do something about that and then other people complain.

Very Happy
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12129 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:59 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

widowmaker wrote: › i feel the same as stevo, cant hit shit now my acc has gone way down and plan9's crouch hax has improved i given you my ten thumbs as well. oh and my headshots i was getting a steady 70-100 most maps now lucky if i get 30 Crying or Very sad

The crouch is no good if you can't hit anything..... Mad I have the same problem; dropped 10% acc.

Have spacesuit, will travel
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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:25 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Beck didnt want to make u upset.I can feel that ur getting mad cuz ur prolly thinking u did all the upgrade for nothing.Thing is we tried to upgrade to see if the hitboxes problem would fix,it didnt. So far theres alot of us members that were used to the old hitboxes/mod that have noticed not only our acc go down but that he hitboxes are more gimped than ever.

Which is y I started this poll.To see if it was just my suckage or if other peeps had problems.

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52 Points

United Kingdom UK England
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:35 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

@beck not your fault most of us cried for an upgrade its just one of those things

Last edited by MrBlack on Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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IoW Regular
803 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:40 am   Post subject:  Re: I want my old IoW server back Back to top 

StEVoNuB420 wrote: › Whats up with the prw crap? Wheres the good ol xp? Yeah I know it shouldnt matter what the xp is and blah blah blah.But the reason I dont play on HH servers is cuz they have this prw stuff.

double tap changes

I like the upgrade...but I played rnade the whole time, so I wouldnt know anything about hit boxes


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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:47 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

In all honesty u can leave it or change it back.I dont play as much anymore,i think im coming to the end of my ET life.

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IoW Supporter
528 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:12 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

I like the upgrade. I don't know what its changed for me, if anything. OR if playing on etpro most of the time has helped my pub play for once.. but I like it. Even with the higher m_pitch, i'm making high accuracy percentages with smg's, sten, and even k43 w/o rnade. I love it. I may or may not play on the pub more because of it. Although, 90% of the time I will be sticking to the etpro servers I like. Either way, I have no complaints regarding the upgrade. Good work.

If any core pubber chooses to leave because of this, maybe you're just too used to the old settings or set in your ways.. I don't know if the upgrade has changed anything but think of it as a challenge to get better. I'm not the best player but, I haven't noticed any problems making headshots, adjust your tactics and aim.
It would be a shame to lose valuable clan members over something as trivial as a server upgrade.. get real. Want a real challenge? Switch to etpro.

[End Transmission]

Ignorance, is the refuge of fools.
I´m honest. I´m blunt, and occasionally an asshole.
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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:40 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Did the Pro/TWL thing..dont like it. And FYI im not leaving cuz of the new upgrade,if I do decide to leave its because the game doesnt interest me as much anymore and I dont have fun playing it anymore.

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