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The official "GOOMBA SUCKS" thread.....
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Poll :: Goomba?

Gay feature says what? (get rid of it!!!!)
 41%  [ 10 ]
Goomba is useful and should be stay because it really doesn't cause excessive tks it just appears to.....
 25%  [ 6 ]
I could care less.....
 33%  [ 8 ]
Voted : 1
Total Votes : 24

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IoW Supporter
2722 Points

USA US New Hampshire
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:51 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

I can say the same thing beck I've goombad like 3 people accidentally and been goombad just a little bit more. I just don't like the exploding body bit think we should have kill but no gib goomba.

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IOW Anger Managment
1037 Points

USA US Minnesota
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:39 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

I am in no way implying that I dislike goomba. Actually, I find it a very nice addition to the game. The issues I have stem back to my shrub days and the fact you could set the goomba damage by fall distance. I have yet to see a goomba configuration to match shrub in it glory. I average 1 goomba death per map.....about 4 per goldrush. Of these deaths I would say 60% are teammates and 30% are dead people flung across the map. Again, I remember shrub having more specific damage setting for gib damage as well...which allowed less damage for gibbing. This would eliminate flying bodies and goomba kills that require absolutely no thought, skill, or premeditation.

I guess my point is that only around 10% of my goomba deaths are legit. I would be less confizzled if it were more than that.

Worst Goomba Death: in a narrow hallway point blank with enemy medic...3 hs kill and his body falls on me....

Best Goomba Death: Flak Engy shot by through air and land on panzer's head.

I too enjoy the amusement of the goomba, but I just seem to be really unlucky with it (on the death side of it anyways). Now if only I could argue for some fix to the damn "tank crusher"....I seem to have been running into some bad luck with tanks/tugs and their ability to crush me from a distance.....


ps.....I wonder what would happen if you stacked 5 allies and you had an axis player jump on the top one's head? Would the axis just goomba his way to the ground like a chain?

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Fuzzy Burrito
IoW Fanboy
9964 Points

Canada CA Ontario
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:53 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

There is an option in pub goomba settings for it to mirror those goomba settings of shrub.

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IOW Anger Managment
1037 Points

USA US Minnesota
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:59 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Whoracle wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand
There is an option in pub goomba settings for it to mirror those goomba settings of shrub.

The last server I configured was shrub....I have no clue what functionality the goomba/gib damage options have now. I just seem to recall more incremental damage settings for gibs as well as more functionality with the fall distance/damage settings of goomba......

I could be completely out of my mind on crack....but I generally have a good memory...


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Fuzzy Burrito
IoW Fanboy
9964 Points

Canada CA Ontario
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:09 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

To make this clear - Shrubs goomba style was to deal goomba damaged based on the distance of the fall of the attacking player, correct? If so...

g_goomba [integer]
Basically, it is a fall-damage multiplication. Say falling from Goldrush's bridge, to the area surrounding the 2nd tank barrier will deal you 12 hp damage. With goomba set, this will multiply the damage you would NORMALLY receive, and deal it to a player you fall on. The integer selected for g_goomba decides the level of multiplication. So with say g_goomba 3, if you fall off the same bridge and land on an enemy, that enemy will be dealt 3X12. 36 hp of damage. You will receive 20% of any regularily occuring fall damage aswell.


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20692 Points

Canada CA Alberta
PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:09 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

It's ok. My only problem is sometimes when I need a boost (Being allies on radar) to get to high places I will Goomba. Boooooo!


I´m so.... Quizzled.
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IoW Regular
8848 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:08 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

After my flight over half the goldrush map yesterday, i realize something has to be done about it. (Sorry nilla, i tried steering away from you mid-air, i just came in too fast having no chance not pulverizing you Smile ) We will do some minor adjustments on the server in the not so distant future, goomba being one of the things we will look into!
My vote is for keeping the goomba, not the way it is now though!

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IoW Supporter
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:32 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

i have to agree that it is funny two.

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