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cheezeduck IoW Regular7145 Points
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Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:57 pm Post subject: bring back old skool iow?? |
ok guys, this poll is to see how many of us would like to bring back the OLD SCHOOL iow settings, alot of you prolly won't remember them cause they are from like 3 years ago...but lets just see. this means that EVERYTHING goes back to our old skool ways, crouch hax...everything. EXCEPT!! i can agree with letting us change SOME of the maps...i mean the settings themselves go back. if this passes and everything changes back, i will personally go on as many et clan sites and forums as i can find and post that "we are back with the old school ways and for everyone to come on and play like the good old days." remember guys...these settings cause us to ALWAYS have a full server and no complaints...this was the height of iow when we had these.
_________________ Boomshakalaka!!!
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chiles Noob205 Points
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Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:34 pm Post subject: Re: bring back old skool iow?? |
I remember some of the earlier settings. I'm not sure that going back to them is what will make the server more popular and full. The game is less popular as it is older. The fact that the server has the hold maps is what has kept me coming back. The new IP and stable server is what will bring people back. I'm not sure that the server traffic will rebound. I suppose trying to get some of the older players back to populate would be a good idea too 
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cheezeduck IoW Regular7145 Points
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Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:23 pm Post subject: Re: bring back old skool iow?? |
i completely agree with you on keeping the ip cause it's got a more stable ping right now...however i still say go back to the old settings. i don't believe u around back when our server was constantly full and u needed a password just to get in a few times because thr were no slots open and thr was like never any specs. the hitboxes and everything made the game a challenge which is y we had all the beta players and stuff on our server...thr was no changes like ever except for crouch hax...but as i said, i strongly feel like going back to old skool iow ways and then letting others know that we are back in our old style will 100% reboot our server.
_________________ Boomshakalaka!!!
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PumpkiN  Retired102492 Points
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Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:30 am Post subject: |
speaking of older players, i saw engine last night and i asked him when was the last time he had played on the iow server, he said he was banned because of l33t hax.
_________________ God does not play dice with the universe.
AAH.. but he does....
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StEVoNuB420  Retired52130 Points
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Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:46 am Post subject: |
HE was banned for l33t assholeness. Talking shit about server/members.
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Fuzzy Burrito IoW Fanboy9964 Points
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Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:28 am Post subject: Re: bring back old skool iow?? |
Your poll is biased.
Changing all the shit back would mean the older version of pub. If you guys do actually still have regulars, you would lose them all, because they would still be playing the newest version of pub.
_________________ -fB
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PumpkiN  Retired102492 Points
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Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:47 am Post subject: |
ahh k stevo. i know from first hand experience that he can sometimes be like that
i doubt that the old version of pub would be brought back. why would we? the player base of the old version is non existent. and even if it was. it wouldn't matter. we have NO regulars.
_________________ God does not play dice with the universe.
AAH.. but he does....
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HalfBak3d  Retired26858 Points
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Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:33 pm Post subject: Re: bring back old skool iow?? |
It's simple really. The game is old and dying. The player base just isn't there.
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Clanless IoW Supporter3034 Points
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Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:54 am Post subject: Re: bring back old skool iow?? |
It's simple really. The game is old and dying. The player base just isn't there. |
Youre just sayin that cause ya know I can whoop ya !!
PS Disturbing video of the Day !!
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StEVoNuB420  Retired52130 Points
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Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:05 am Post subject: |
i would have never guessed it was a zune commercial.
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Jester59 IoW Supporter7414 Points
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Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:23 pm Post subject: |
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JEWMAN IoW Fanboy14159 Points
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Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:46 pm Post subject: Re: bring back old skool iow?? |
ET is old and dying. Invest in a newer game for IoW to represent  maybe COD4 or something thats still fps style. Lots of people play it and it wouldnt be hard to expand on the forums having a cod4 section. I also know from first hand experience you don't have to BUY the game in order to play it online. Just an idea to support whats left of the old IoW group.
_________________ Jew´s siggy removed by Beck -- way too big man, come on.... haha Beck is always looking out for me
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Venom  Senior Admin104308 Points
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Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:37 pm Post subject: |
ET is old and dying. Invest in a newer game for IoW to represent  maybe COD4 or something thats still fps style. Lots of people play it and it wouldnt be hard to expand on the forums having a cod4 section. I also know from first hand experience you don't have to BUY the game in order to play it online. Just an idea to support whats left of the old IoW group.
cod4 is old news now...its all about cod5
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