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#16:   Author: pubstars Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:38 pm

huh what? I was just commenting on the fact it is etpub, and we try to stick to etpro. But if you want to get mad, then go ahead :/

EDIT: Yes Really

Last edited by pubstars on Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

#17:   Author: Fuzzy Burrito Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:44 pm

pubstars wrote: › we try to stick to etpro.

Oh Really?

#18:   Author: pubstars Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:45 pm

StEVoNuB420 wrote: › He's obviously a bitter lil man.GL in life K Ray Z.Sounds like youll need it. Go Away You Suck

I'm not the one who is bitter...I could care less. I apologized ofr what I did, and if you guys can't get over it, it isn't my fault. Beck do us all a favor and lock this topic. We don't need another hate-krayz orgy.

1 last thing I've wanted to say. If you guys get that pissed off over me saying that Karnivore sucks, then you need to get a life. Especially since I've heard only worse from every one of you. And beck don't bother banning me, I'll just delete my account. I think I'll go over to the private udi forums and complain that Stevo just said I sucked so I can ban him on our servers. Adieu.

#19:   Author: Fuzzy Burrito Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:09 pm

No one visits the uDi servers, you silly goose. 121 total visiters on udi pro server, take away maybe 10 because uDis play with different aliases there. Take away maybe 20ish more for matches that have been played there (not guests by 'choice'). Even if you don't remove the say 30 people, 55% of the players that have been on the pro server of yours, visited for less than half an hour (Even 25% of 67 visited less than 5 minutes). Plus, according to SL, Stevo has never been there, don't even know if he'd ever figure out he was banned.

I think this is the first time I've ever talked "trash" to you Krayz, and it isn't because of whatever reason you left IoW in the first place, and it isn't because you put down Karni. It's because you certainly talk a lot about stuff you shouldn't be bringing up. ie, udi pro server better place to recruit. Most of the uDi members even say in their 'Join' topic, 'you've probably seen me on the iow server'.

Thank you.

#20:   Author: mayol Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:25 pm

pubstars wrote: › I think I'll go over to the private udi forums and complain that Stevo just said I sucked so I can ban him on our servers. Adieu.

Tell them to ban me as well cause You Suck

#21:   Author: epIc Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:40 pm

I'd like to know how that ban request goes. This is all just too funny.

#22:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:25 am

Yes please ban me. I Don't Give A Fuck

#23:   Author: KerpZ Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:53 am

it wasnt udi. it was someone new at the server.

P.S how do you take screenshots of the console???

#24:   Author: PumpkiN Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:51 pm

ok fellas fellas! i am realy sorry for all the commotion here and yes pete.. it was u who brought me on curves' server..

we as udi do not mean any ANY disrespect to this clan. u guys are basically what kept us alive for the first few months.. i has deffinetly not been easy recruiting.. and frankly i think that the iow pub is the best pub server out there.. hints im on ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME lol.. i mean lets not start a row here. we are a baby clan compared to u folk. we are about oo 4 or 5 months old.. as u are i belive almost 2 years old? (correct me if im wrong) but we are noone to be jumping around like this..

and belive me.. krayz aka pubstars will be dealt with.. we are willing to do anything to stay on the good side of iow..

ps. stevo, epic, mayol... come on .. we love u Very Happy we would never ban u Very Happy

#25:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:09 pm

Dear Pumpkin,
We here at IoW dont hate udi by any means.We like u guys as well.As Kerps said, it wasnt one of your guys who were trying to recruit anyone. Krayz could have just said he would look into it and end it,but then he added that extra comment at the end. Its things and comments like this that krayz has done time and time again and frankly I,as well as other peeps here are sick of it. This isnt a udi vs IoW issue.Its just another Krayz issue. Best of luck to udi as a clan.


#26:   Author: epIc Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:45 am

Yeah I love you uDi fellaz. Sometimes kids dont know what they're talking about.

#27:  Some of my members... Author: cuRVes Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:11 am

First off, I'm gonna clear the air and apologize for any behavior my guys
might have done for it doesn't speak for my clan and they don't speak for me. I simply can not stand cocky players, attitudes or overall mouthing off and I tell my guys that. Understandably thou, ET, especially in game, can get a little heated. And we've all been there and said things we shouldn't have at one time or another, lets just hope that afterward ppl learn when to talk or when to remain silent.

Just to pass it along and for what's its worth pubstars told me the above was "intended" to be a joke. But that's neither here nor there. We'll let that one go by the wayside.

On another note, I asked Nort awhile back about getting you guys to come
over and play on our pub sometime. To sort of spread the wealth. It would
be fun interaction. He said to post the ip in the forum so here I am.

AND heres the ip's pub pro

Drop by.


#28:   Author: Karnivore Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:19 am

pubstars wrote: › huh what? I was just commenting on the fact it is etpub, and we try to stick to etpro. But if you want to get mad, then go ahead :/

EDIT: Yes Really

Krayz, we all know damn well, you included, that that last line was to instigate an argument. You obviously achieved your goal in pissing off the clan that you were kicked out of. If you think that you are so high above us in standards, why the hell do you post here or even ever go here for that matter? But of course, you didn't stop there. You had to throw out another instigating line that says that you've seen people say worse about karni, or something along those lines. That is probably true because if you don't know me, I come off as an asshole. But the point of all this is that you need to stop causing trouble in our clan because it may cause YOU trouble in your clan because of your ill behavior. It'd be best if the only way that IoW would ever confer with you would be in a match.

Pumpkin and Curves, your apologies for him are very gracious but we don't blame uDi at all for his actions, we knew him before so we know damn well that he doesn't represent his clan well. Hope to frag with you guys soon.

Regards, Karnivore.

#29:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:47 am

Let me pile on the uDI blessings here as well. It's been a pleasure playing with you guys, and we welcome you anytime on our servers. I've never seen anything but respect from pretty much anyone wearing uDi or 'death.' tags. There was one time when one uDi member a few weeks ago bitched and moaned cause I mined the shit outta Oasis. But if anyone knows me, I'm an engie and I plant mines. Deal with it. It got to the point where I had to globally tell my guys to stop planting mines just so he would stop bitching. He disconnected shortly thereafter. I say "he" cause I honestly dont' remember which uDi it was. It doesn't matter to me really, everyone gets frustrated from time to time. At any rate, it's been a great symbiotic relationship with uDi. And we expect Krazy/Pub to come in here every few weeks and say something disparaging about our clan, not really a surprise.

And curves, I'll write down that IP and next time I get bored, I'll stop by!

Hey - what sort of rotation do you have there? It'd be sweet if you had some customs! Razz I fought hard to get our pub custom server, but no one ever plays there (I know, I know Nort. Just like you said). So if it was a server that wasn't identical to IoW, that'd help (e.g. stock maps).

#30:   Author: Quizzle Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:57 pm

The uDi guys are great, had to add that one in ;] Hey Curves I still can't get an account on the uDi forums. Won't send activation thingy. ;]

As for going on your servers, I'll try to get on there once and awhile.
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