Instruments of War :: Official site for the Enemy Territory clan Instruments of War

Instruments of War<IoW> silEnT Serverlol - hax go suck your mom's penis Goto page Previous  1, 2, 3  :| |:

#31:  Re: lol - hax go suck your mom's penis Author: Fuzzy Burrito Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:45 am

LuneKnight wrote (View Post): › ITS SPELT LEGIT DAMMIT

It's spelled "legit", damn it.

If you are going to correct someone else's spelling, you should at least spell correctly yourself.

#32:  Re: lol - hax go suck your mom's penis Author: LuneKnight Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:42 pm

shhhh fuzzy xP

#33:  Re: lol - hax go suck your mom's penis Author: raider35 Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:45 pm


#34:  Re: lol - hax go suck your mom's penis Author: sum1else Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:44 pm

Adding nothing to the topic really, but I find the "mom's penis" message rather hilarious. If I saw I was banned for that I would go to the clan's forums and give them a pat on the back for making me ROFL.

sum1else out.

#35:   Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:14 pm

razi wrote (View Post): › "you are gona tell me a ligit player is better than a hack?" - yes. if the hack has turned down his settings from autosnappingheadshot, many legit players can kill him. might not be as easy as a person that stands still, but it's definitely doable.

I think I said it (maybe not)... he was FLAT OUT hacking, snapping, everything. I was still able to get hits and even kill him. 90% of the time I dont even have enough time to move to hit blue... let alone kill...

I dont see it being legit

ligit legit same thing know what i mean thats all i care about. I say it more like ligit than legit anyways.

#36:  Re: lol - hax go suck your mom's penis Author: raider35 Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:56 pm

SP i lan in the nude if thats ok with u Razz

#37:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:08 pm

I've said this before and I'll say it again.

What gives any of you the RIGHT to play on this server? This is not some tax-payer funded "free server". This is not the wild-west. This is our server, maintained consistently over the years with donations of hard-earned money, a lot of time and passion from a dozen or so people. So yes, we are staking claim on our own damn server and our damn rules. Whatever that means for you and and your elitist friends, I don't care. You are NOT welcome here anymore, I'm tired of all this bickering and begging. I don't give two shits who you are, what aliases you play under, what games you play or tournaments you won. This is a PUB server, where people go to have fun. Not to come and get ambushed by a bunch of former alphas that just jump from server to server, teaming up as a bunch of pussy medics to ruin everyone's fun. Make no mistake, and don't deny that is EXACTLY what you do.

You and your friends always show up - on ts or vent no doubt and just stack teams and piss everyone off. This is not something that we like to see on our server. And yes, I am a PUB player. I am not half as good as you or most of the people in this community. So when I see what I think are hax, I'm gonna do what our rules state - BAN the hax. It doesn't mean that I'm stupid or arrogant or abusing my power. Reading some of this shit from some of our members and regs, I must be stupid because "obviously this is not hax". Well, in my opinion, you do. And in the opinion of a lot of people, you do. This can be attributed to the fact that I'm not a big et-nerd like you guys are. I haven't been to all the tournaments and leagues and all the other shit you do to make yourself feel important. So maybe I do suck at spotting hax. But that is only because I play at one place, the same place I've played at for almost three years. The IoW pub server. It's a relatively happy place with mostly fair games and a lot of good people. I call them like I see them. I make judgments on hax based on what I see day-to-day on our server. I have a life, and I don't play this game for 5 hours a day and scrim every night and watch demos and practice and scrim and play matches and win tournaments. I'm a casual gamer who plays 3 hours a week. 3 hours that have been ruined for three weeks in a row by you and your friends - thanks a lot btw...

Yeah, I banned you and your little friend Bruce Lee last weekend. And yeah, I put that comment in there because I was pissed off. And obviously, I see the same shit from you week after week because I keep banning you and you keep coming back. Maybe that is a clue that we don't want you here and you don't fit in? And you have the nerve to question the intelligence of some of our public players and even another admin of this clan?

We allow who we want to play on this server, plain and simple. Read our server rules, they haven't changed over the years.

the rules wrote: ›
14.) It is a privilege to play on an <IoW> Server. Senior <IoW> members may deny you that privilege for any reason we see fit, at anytime.

We can ban anyone at anytime for anything we want to. If that's not a good enough reason, go start your own server where you and the rest of your snobby alpha friends can show off for one another. Until then, you will not be welcomed back on the IoW server. I don't care what recruits or former members are in here asking for the bans to be removed. I will not play on a server that I have helped to build up and support logistically and financially over the years with a bunch of spoiled et-fanboys who feel that they have some sort of right to play here. You don't. And you won't.

Good day, go your way and stay off our server.

Oh, and I do have demos from last week. I'm sure you'll all watch them and call me a noob and laugh at my shitty ability to spot hax. But at the time, me and a few other members were pretty sure of what we saw. Again, just doing what we felt was right for the server. These demos are again split into smaller segments, which means that I didn't get everything that I thought I did. This should satisfy your need to see proof. And don't bother watching these and asking for the ban to be lifted, I won't agree to that. I think we have made ourselves clear here. We are taking back our server, and any members or regulars who don't like it can leave and go somewhere else. Did I actually read that someone thought I should unban because Serum is "well-spoken"? How about BlueRose? He has to send his smart friend in here to try and convince us he's not a skid mark?

#38:  Re: lol - hax go suck your mom's penis Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:13 pm

Woot beck FTW!

#39:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:29 am

I'm sure this is the end of the thread. Thanks Beck for your words of wisdom.
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