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Instruments of War<IoW> silEnT ServerAww I got banned.... Goto page Previous  1, 2, 3  :| |:

#31:   Author: Nilla Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:06 am

krissy wrote: › What are your actual names??? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Barbi and Skipper


#32:   Author: Nervous Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:17 am

Just as a little side note:
Komen is one of the few people on the server that gave me trouble on a consistent basis. I wasn't good enough to assume that someone who kills me more than I kill them is a hacker. I must admit at times I've wondered about K, if for nothing else than the FG42 accuracy and HS with said gun. Sten is wacky anyway. I never used the thing but decided to try it once against RegB and some other sten users. I shot 45-50 percent for whole rounds consistently with loads of HS. The gun is just unreal. Only negative is also a positive. The gun overheats, but that forces you to burst fire, which even FURTHER increases the accuracy.

For what it's worth. I have doubts about anyone shooting over 50 for whole rounds. It's just nearly impossible with any semblance of competition on the other team. Most average players couldn't shoot over 50 with the other team standing still. LOL

Without evidence, I believe I'd go with Nilla on this one. Odd connection issues cause strange disturbances in the force, young Skywalker.

I've seen a loudmouth tick one of these guys off. I'm not talking about one or two smart-aleck remarks. I'm talking of just round-fulls of berating and accusations. So I keep noticing Komen is killing this guy over and over and over, and the guy is not great but he doesn't just suck either. Ok, he wasn't good. I spec Komen and I can tell someone's giving him a little "advice" on where that guy is, because everytime that guy spawns, Komen is in his grill, replacing the gold fillings with bullets.

I pm Komen and was like "This guy is really stupid. He doesn't know you guys are specing him and communicating." Komen was "Fun, isn't it.". He said he would never do that except in that odd circumstance where the guy just wouldn't let up.

Another point on Komen's side:
He doesn't talk trash (at least not when I played). He hardly even talks unless someone talks to him. If he WERE getting assistance from hacks, then he pretty much gets the joy joy on the personal side, because he doesn't gloat about it. I just wouldn't understand the point of someone hacking for SO LONG. I mean if someone chose to do it, did it, and won/mopped up, why would they continue to do so?

I always figured, Komen was probably a former alpha slumming it. However, most Alphas wouldn't play anything but etpro. Anyway whatever the case, I can only offer anecdotal information. He always seemed to be a nice, pleasant, reasonably humble person unless someone was accusing him of cheating. Although not quite as good nor accused quite as often, I know first-hand getting accused that often sucks.

That being said, if it's proven that he did do it:

Take it easy. Hope you beat the "rap". Razz

Last edited by Nervous on Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

#33:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:23 am

Nervous wrote: › Just as a little side note:
Komen is one of the few people on the server that gave me trouble on a consistent basis. I wasn't good enough to assume that someone who kills me more than I kill them is a hacker. I must admit at times I've wondered about K, if for nothing else than the FG42 accuracy and HS with said gun. Sten is wacky anyway. I never used the thing but decided to try it once against RegB and some other sten users. I shot 45-50 percent for whole rounds consistently with loads of HS. The gun is just unreal. Only negative is also a positive. The gun overheats, but that forces you to burst fire, which even FURTHER increases the accuracy.

For what it's worth. I have doubts about anyone shooting over 50 for whole rounds. It's just nearly impossible with any semblance of competition on the other team. Most average players couldn't shoot over 50 with the other team standing still. LOL

Without evidence, I believe I'd go with Nilla on this one. Odd connection issues cause strange disturbances in the force, young Skywalker.

I've seen a loudmouth tick one of these guys off. I'm not talking about one or two smart-aleck remarks. I'm talking of just round-fulls of berating and accusations. So I keep noticing Komen is killing this guy over and over and over, and the guy is not great but he doesn't just suck either. Ok, he wasn't good. I spec Komen and I can tell someone's giving him a little "advice" on where that guy is, because everytime that guy spawns, Komen is in his grill, replacing the gold fillings with bullets.

I pm Komen and was like "This guy is really stupid. He doesn't know you guys are specing him and communicating." Komen was "Fun, isn't it.". He said he would never do that except in that odd circumstance where the guy just wouldn't let up.

Another point on Komen's side:
He doesn't talk trash (at least not when I played). He hardly even talks unless someone talks to him. If he WERE getting assistance from hacks, then he pretty much gets the joy joy on the personal side, because he doesn't gloat about it. I just wouldn't understand the point of someone hacking for SO LONG. I mean if someone chose to do it, did it, and won/mopped up, why would they continue to do so?

I always figured, Komen was probably a former alpha slumming it. However, most Alphas wouldn't play anything but etpro. Anyway whatever the case, I can only offer anecdotal information. He always seemed to be a nice, pleasant, reasonably humble person unless someone was accusing him of cheating. Although not quite as good nor accused quite as often, I know first-hand getting accused that often sucks.

That being said, if it's proven that he did do it:

Take it easy. Hope you beat the "wrap". Razz

Can you hear that? It's calling your name again, isn't it?

Nice to see you posting again. When you coming back to the game?

#34:   Author: Nervous Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:39 am

Here is the response in picture form:

Soon--------Month or So-----------Never----------------------Nervous
|------------------|-------------------|------------| |------------|

Just checking in on folks. Been a while. Not trying to hijack a thread.
3 months without ET crack is worthy of remaining off of it. It was causing family issues, so I put it away. About 2.5 months after quitting, almost like a sign from God, my graphics card went kapow! Eh. Good riddance. My wife loves me again.

Riding the bike now. It's not top of the line, but definitely a middle of the road bike...not riding in the middle of the road, was referring to quality only Smile Pic on (the bike, well me too, but that's not the point).

Hope everyone is well.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, the drama that is "Hacking or Not Hacking...You Be the Judge".....

#35:   Author: Nort Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:51 am

ohh, let me be the judge! i say komm and ennu hate me, cause i am witch hunting to ban them! some day ohh yes someday!!!! poof! ill get you my little pretties, and yer dog too!

im on to you see, cuase i found a relative of yers on the pbbans master list!!!

[PBBans:5551 11.27.2004] 7576fa4abf0b5ba1b7b96cecdef2b8b1 "Shruputtaja" "" "AIMBOT #50051"

ohh i will be updating the master ban list with a newer copy. if you find you are banned you will need to email me for me to look into the master ban list.

#36:   Author: Nort Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:01 pm

ohh and there are several that get a game integrity kick. which is for hardware issues.
here is a forum topic on it:

appears that a harddrive with fragged pb files can cuase this problem alot.

#37:   Author: Ajax Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:15 pm

Holy Fuck!

Nervous lives...and posts...

and the itch begins in the tip of his mouse trigger's just a little itch mind you, but it's growing larger...and larger...and pretty soon his brain is gonna say "Come on know you want to...just a little bit...come on...what's a map gonna hurt?" And soon that little itch is a medium sized itch, and then it's gonna be HOTTER THAN FUCKING HELL ITSELF in Houston, and Jason's gonna say in his Alabama twang "it's too dayum hot ta riide taday" and he's gonna boot that sweet shit up...he's gonna look around...and Christy and the girls are gonna be out of the house down the street at Kroger or buying new blinds or some kind of fucking bullshit like that...and he's gonna be thinking to himself "it's just me and the computer all by ourselves in this big ole house" and he's gonna be thinking "naw I really shouldn't do this but I wonder if that bastard Ajax is fucking in town and then if he IS maybe he's on the IoW..." and then he's suddenly got a twitch in his left eye, and his trigger finger ITCHES REALLY BAD and the ONLY way to stop it is to hook it up...and try to hit the broad side of a fucking barn after being away for 3 damned months and that shit is just going to eat him the fuck up and he will NOT be able to stop until he can get his goddamned accuracy up over 15% and then whaddya know his girls are home and it's been 8 hours since he logged in and he's gotta be to work in 5 hours and traffic is gonna suck and all he's gonna be able to think about all damned day is getting back on to finally PROVE that he can take the Taja Bros out any time he wants....


How was that J? Laughing

#38:   Author: Fuzzy Burrito Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:50 am

i got the same itch, 'cept its on my balls

o there, i got it. much better.

J, the itch is worth the scratch

#39:   Author: Nort Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:19 am

anyone can take out the taja's. its that damn noober nort you best watch out for!

#40:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:27 am

Ajax wrote: › Holy Fuck!

Nervous lives...and posts...

and the itch begins in the tip of his mouse trigger's just a little itch mind you, but it's growing larger...and larger...and pretty soon his brain is gonna say "Come on know you want to...just a little bit...come on...what's a map gonna hurt?" And soon that little itch is a medium sized itch, and then it's gonna be HOTTER THAN FUCKING HELL ITSELF in Houston, and Jason's gonna say in his Alabama twang "it's too dayum hot ta riide taday" and he's gonna boot that sweet shit up...he's gonna look around...and Christy and the girls are gonna be out of the house down the street at Kroger or buying new blinds or some kind of fucking bullshit like that...and he's gonna be thinking to himself "it's just me and the computer all by ourselves in this big ole house" and he's gonna be thinking "naw I really shouldn't do this but I wonder if that bastard Ajax is fucking in town and then if he IS maybe he's on the IoW..." and then he's suddenly got a twitch in his left eye, and his trigger finger ITCHES REALLY BAD and the ONLY way to stop it is to hook it up...and try to hit the broad side of a fucking barn after being away for 3 damned months and that shit is just going to eat him the fuck up and he will NOT be able to stop until he can get his goddamned accuracy up over 15% and then whaddya know his girls are home and it's been 8 hours since he logged in and he's gotta be to work in 5 hours and traffic is gonna suck and all he's gonna be able to think about all damned day is getting back on to finally PROVE that he can take the Taja Bros out any time he wants....


How was that J? Laughing

LMAO - good stuff man...

I've got the constant itch. It's even more satisfying when you scratch it while at work! Cool Cool

I tried tell Nerv he can't quit this game - frankly, I'm surprised he's made it this long. More power too you man, I have a family who is annoyed by ET as well....we just have a little understanding, you see Laughing Razz .

#41:   Author: Nervous Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:36 pm

Speaking of missing people coming out of the woodwork to comment on crazy stuff, there's my ol' pal Ajax checking in from Denver where evidently all the women have a weakness for tall cats with a sharp wit, decent bank, and a fine M3. (I'll refrain from commenting on looks, cause let's face it, I put the ug in ugly and I married way-tf-up the good looks chain). Smile

Nah man, I just don't see it anymore. MAYBE if QW or RTCW2--whatever it is--comes out and isn't too much like Halo or other futuristic crap, I'd play a little, but everyone knows I can't play "a little". As Tyrone says on the Chappelle Show..."Cocaine is a powerful drug."

I have TIVO set to record every show that guy makes. I just roll laughing through every episode.

So anyway, I doubt I'd be shooting 15 percent (you think 3 months could do that? LOL), but I wouldn't be shooting 40s that's for sure. My PC is a load of crap and I absolutely refuse to play another video game on a pc that's not at least current. If anyone feels like donating to the "get Nervous a fix" relief fund, at least a 19' flat screen, monster vid card(I don't even know what would be good now lol), 2-4 GB RAM, Raptors, etc, etc. Just email me and I'll give you the Paypal account into which you can make the big deposit. HA.

I seriously quit for my family. I thought about it once, but I just can't do that to them. I'm a lot nicer without playing it so much.

Seems they don't mind me doing console stuff (shooting games on consoles SUCK), like NFSMost Wanted and Tiger Woods, since I can save and quit those, and they can even play those with me. BTW, I shot a freaking 47!!!!! on Troon North Monument...25 under. Sick huh? Can you imagine if Tiger Woods or Phil Mickelson could drive a ball 380-400 yards? Well that's me on that game. Tiger caddies for me often ; )

PS Who is John that sent me a myspace add request? I added Andy and John, and I know Andy is Vanilla Ice. Just don't know who John is.

Take it easy everyone, and let me know when you can do lunch Sean.


Last edited by Nervous on Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

#42:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:49 pm

John would be the late and great MadeInTheUsa AKA Tan Gik.
Instruments of War<IoW> silEnT ServerAww I got banned.... Goto page Previous  1, 2, 3  :| |:

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