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BECK General of the Army279980 Points
Married guys can relate. There is always something that a married couple argues about continuously. My wife and I are no exception. We'll be 80 years old and still debating this issue. And it is so trivial, it's hardly worth the time and energy that we waste discussing it at least weekly.
So. How do you say the word 'caramel'?
Spelling it phonetically, I say:
car - muhl
My wife insists that it is (again phonetically):
care - ah - mel
She is very careful to pronounce every single letter in the word - hence the extra "ah" sound that she adds.
It's sorta funny because my mother-in-law agrees with me. So we gang up on my wife on the issue. I say that 'car' cannot possibly be pronounced as the word 'care', rather as 'car', a thing you drive.
Last edited by BECK on Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:25 am; edited 2 times in total |
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StEVoNuB420 Retired52130 Points
Perhaps both right?
Just like Tomato or Potatoe.Different saying for both words.
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Quizzle Retired20692 Points
Sorry Beck, I'm with your wife on this one. You lose in my mind!
I´m so.... Quizzled.
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sTriTan Noob269 Points
Well, I'll tell ya Beck. Being a married guy myself. I think that this is a great opportunity for you, since this is so trivial, TO YOU, that you should just give in and tell her she's absolutely right. I think you would prolly get extra bonus points from wifey poo considering the fact that momma and law is on the same side as you. Basically, use the psychological ju-jitsu on her.
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BECK General of the Army279980 Points
I'm way too stubborn for that.
Besides - it's not me that calls her out - she calls me out and laughs at me when I say "car-muhl". I would just let it be, but I'm the one who is abused here.
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Nervous IoW Regular8082 Points
Webster says you are both correct.
2 or 3 syllables is acceptable.
Is you wife from the North? Southerners never say 3 syllables on this one. Odd, but true. Most of the time, we attempt to stretch one syllable into two, or three. : )
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Quazi Retired16243 Points
Just call it CARMEL as we do - easier
Your version BECK sounds hella better then your wife's.
_________________ War solves all problems - no man no problem [Josef Stalin]
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BECK General of the Army279980 Points
Both of us are from Colorado. My wife's paternal side is from Texas, but she doesn't speak with a southern accent or anything (unlike her Dad). So theoricially, we have the same "dialect" or accent.
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sum1else Brigadier General67080 Points
I'm with you Beck. Your wife and Quizzle are crazy. Only two syllables here.
sum1else out.
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Plan9 IoW Regular12129 Points
Wikipedia just adds to the confusion by listing not 2, but 3 pronounciations:
WikiPedia wrote: › Caramel (/ˈkærəmɛl/ and /ˈkɑrməl/ and /ˈkɑrəmɛl/) |
But according to Webster's unabridged which I trust a bit more, you're both right:
I think the difference lies in excactly what you said: Your wife's family is from Texas which is not the midwest.
EDIT: DAMMIT Nerv, that's twice in half an hour I post before reading everything .... Sorry
Have spacesuit, will travel
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DarkStrike IoW Regular10684 Points
family pronounciation duh...
I agree with you though beck. 2 syllables...
Made this one for fun
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Wal-Mart IoW Regular15244 Points
Currently banned
Its a freaking word... lol
I dont know i just say car-mel?
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JEWMAN IoW Fanboy14159 Points
Carmel is a town near where I live. Car-a-mel is how you say the candy thing.
_________________ Jew´s siggy removed by Beck -- way too big man, come on.... haha Beck is always looking out for me
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Fuzzy Burrito IoW Fanboy9964 Points
This thread should have included a vote. Is it too late to add?
I use the 3 syllable version. I happened to use this word once tonight already, describing to a friend that the "Ah Caramel" things are disgusting. Three syllables.
_________________ -fB
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trans Noob1630 Points
Quizzle wrote ( View Post): › Sorry Beck, I'm with your wife on this one. |
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