Instruments of War :: Official site for the Enemy Territory clan Instruments of War

Instruments of WarET-Pub ServersWhere is everyone?
Poll :: Why aren't you at IoW?

Too busy with real-life. Other things to do.
 45%  [ 14 ]
I hate the new upgrade and settings. I play elsewhere now.
 0%  [ 0 ]
I don't really play this game anymore.
 12%  [ 4 ]
I won't join the server if it is empty. It is always empty!
 19%  [ 6 ]
Taking a break, but I expect to be back.
 9%  [ 3 ]
I don't like the people on our server anymore. It has been ruined by bad admins, bad members or bad pubbers
 6%  [ 2 ]
Found a server I like better. Nothing against IoW.
 3%  [ 1 ]
Won't even connect if there are x (insert magic number) or less players. I hate small games!
 3%  [ 1 ]
Voted : 31
Total Votes : 31

#1:  Where is everyone? Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:41 am

It's no secret. Anyone who's been around for a while can see that our server is experience an all-time low when it comes to server utiliziation. We the admins have been discussing various things and ideas for what is wrong and what (if anything) can be done to bring our server back to a time when you could almost always find a good game on there.

Right now, day-to-day we are experincing a bell-curve effect with visitors. The US daytime hours and early morning hours are almost completely dead, with a small bump for the US night-time hours when I presume that we're running 3v3 most of the time.

We (the admins) have noticed this "lack of players" trend on other popular PUB servers as well. We don't feel that they are immune to this recent problem. However, we are not discounting that recent changes to our server could also play a roll. That is what we're trying to find out. Is there something that can be changed to attract a better overall average of players? Or is this just a sign of an aging game, with more players leaving than are arriving.

Please select one answer. I realize that there are many options, but I want to know the #1 reason that you aren't playing at IoW anymore. Feel free to respond to this thread, I will attempt to swallow my pride and be prepared to accept constructive criticism if you feel it will help.

Thanks for your participation.

#2:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:23 am

BECK wrote (View Post): › We (the admins) have noticed this "lack of players" trend on other popular PUB servers as well. We don't feel that they are immune to this recent problem.

What other servers are having this problem? Sadly once I check IoW and see 0 players, I hope ANG has a spot open. 11v11 does not seem as a lack of players IMHO. Last nite I think I was up to 12v12 with spects on their server, IoW 0. Just an FYI.

Just to throw in my 2 cents, while ang is gay as hell with ff and hit boxs and noobs. One thing you never hear is the constant bitching about panzers, mines, etc as IoW all ways has. Thats one thing IMHO that makes ang so much better than IoW, if I want to rambo med and try to get killing sprees... no one bitches... If I wanta do OBJ no one bitches... Then you go on IoW, people cry about panzer, arty, teams (when they are not off by 2 or more) admins telling people to stop being panzer, pubbers are bitching about mines.

Is that the prob, no idea, but I know it's one reason I really dont like the server. I'm sure a decent number of noobs were scared off due to members in tags telling them to stop planting mines or using panzer...

Last edited by Wal-Mart on Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:30 am; edited 1 time in total

#3:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Quazi Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:26 am


We did a research and compared more then 5 servers so we know what's going on here and there.

For me: Too busy with RL. I don't play as much as I used to, now it's more like 2 times a week then 5h every day. Even when I'm able to play I find our server empty. I always try to sit in spec or mess around alone and wait for more people but it rarely happens that someone joins me for more then 5 minutes.

I want our active server back and I'm first to populate it.

#4:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: LuneKnight Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:26 am

i dont rly play wolf anymore so =/ if i see ppl on i might go on for afew then i get bored

#5:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:36 am

Quazi wrote (View Post): › @Wal

We did a research and compared more then 5 servers so we know what's going on here and there.

Can we know what servers you are talking about? Not to mention if you know whats going on... why make a post like this... Rolling Eyes fact of the matter is, my times, when ever I want to go on later in the day... iow = 0 ang = 20's... so reguardless of what you checked out, 3 months ago when I wanted to go on at the same times... I never checked ang cause IoW had players...

#6:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:17 am

EVO,#1,ANime, are just a few that I have seen with few to no players. Ang does get populated alot,but I have also seen it with 10 bots (meaning 0 players) QAW is the only one consistent...and I have even seem them empty at times.

Another thing.If we have constant bitching as you say we do,who is to blame for that?? The answer...pubbers like yourself. ANd I would imagine noone bitches on that server because they are all noobs. Noone there would no what teamwork is if it hit them on thir ass. I think thats a plus for our server. I honestly dont want a med whore on my team camping allies when they are all at the F Dump planting. Or like yesterday,a 5v5 with 4 soldiers on Oasis and the guns get blown with 25 minutes left on the time clock.

Sorry to get kinda off topic,but it kinda pissed me off with that post.

Either way,I havent been on because I have had other things to do. For the past 2 days however I have been playing a lil more and will continue to do so.

#7:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: schism Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:36 am

my vote was for "Found a server I like better. Nothing against IoW."
the reason is i don't really like the new settings, but i still play if there are enough people online. it's kinda like the last option, the second option, and my vote mixed up.
since we're picking up more scrims, i'm playing more pro.

#8:   Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:41 am

Well I'm done posting after this, already with the bitching about soldiers... maybe thats why pubbers like myself all no longer come to IoW.

Just an FYI, I've played on ANG, and have had FT's where we were all going for the OBJ as a FT, using FT chat, and having the classes we needed to go win.

Btw you need people on your server to have teamwork.

O and ang has 7 ppl right now, iow has 0. Be4 you knock them too much, at least they have people.

#9:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:49 am

Stev0 is right - those are the servers we've been watching and they are all down just like we are. Not saying they all dead 85% of the time, but we have been watching them and noticing similar trends.

I guess the solution then Wal-Mart is to disable chat, because then no one can bitch, right? We can make rules left and right around here about conduct, but we cannot babysit everyone and censor everyone all of the time. So maybe we do have an influx of bitching and moaning - you play a part in that just like the rest of us.

I'm not sure there is a true cure for this - if ANG is so great and happy and peaceful, its because of the players who chose to play there. I guess we have a different clientel - like the Mos Eisley cantina or something - a lot of good players with attitudes and an axe to grind - as opposed to the Starbucks across the street with all the mellow people like ANG. Fault us for allowing and harboring that sort of environment, if you will.

I think we put up with a lot of shit and allowed a lot of things and PLAYERS to persist on our server for too long. Like "how dare we" kick or ban or enforce some sort of rule. Too many players with too much attitude have filled our garden full of weeds (to use Wolvies favorite metaphore Wink ).

That was what the whole crack-down was supposed to be about. Cleaning up the server and restoring order. Unfortunately, with most of our admins and higher ranking officers are not on the server enough to truely pull off this inititve. That is our own fault. Like the old saying goes: when the cat is away, the mice will play. Lord only knows the kind of shit that goes on with even our own members that has ruined our reputation and scared away long time pubbers or new players.

Hell - just the other night, YOU (WALMART) and Jewman in full tags were publically flaming a players on your team (and a long time reg, I might add) because he wasn't as good as you or as good as you would like. He doesn't count cause he's a noob and he has no skill. That is basically the jist of what was said. Even with me there in full tags, it didn't stop you guys from flaming this guy and making him feel unwelcome. Why should he stay and suffer through a bunch of assholes who don't want him there? And this happened when I was connected.

What happens when we're not around?

Settings - pppfffft. Doesn't matter when we harbor an abusive server. That is certainly not helping.

#10:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Fuzzy Burrito Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:11 am

I didn't even have a clue that there was an attendance problem here at IoW, that's how much I play. Most of my minimal computer time is directed towards my car search, which is going terribly.

Even as far away from the loop as I am, I would have a hard time blaming these issues on a new version of pub.

#11:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:25 am

Historically speaking:
For any attendence bumps, we always blame it on the "setting du jour". Whether it is a change to the rotation, addition of Railgun or Radar, a custom, or an upgrade.

Looking at the votes (albiet a very very very small percentage of the et community), it seems that my main theory is looking true: There are just less players around to fill the server because everyone (myself included) has other priorities.

#12:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Nervous Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:45 am

Too busy with real-life. Other things to do. True.

I hate the new upgrade and settings. I play elsewhere now. Didn't like the last version, but don't know about this one.I don't really play this game anymore. True.

I won't join the server if it is empty. It is always empty! True. I still check.

I don't like the people on our server anymore. It has been ruined by bad admins, bad members or bad pubbers. True, true, and true.

Personally, I think the game is practically dead. It's almost 6 years old. Most of the players capable of playing the game at a high level of skill WITH teamwork are no longer playing because of all the reasons listed.

As far as IoW goes:
I know you can't be perfect and a clan shouldn't be too discriminatory on its membership, but you guys had a bad stretch there of letting some unbelievably immature people join your clan. You had some childish members before then, but you really took it to another level about 1 year ago.

You had members who were younger than let's say 18 who could play a little earlier than others and a little later on the weekends. When given certain admin rights, they could easily get high on the power and start doing silly things when more reasonable members weren't around, like telling people how they should play, even when no rules are being broken. For example, until you changed the med settings, why should members and/or admins complain about meds, panzers or arty hos when the game allows it, and it's their server? It looks bad. The whole "a house divided against itself cannot stand" ideal seems to lend itself well to the situation.

Combine all that with the total idiocy that poses as global chat and "Voila!". You had a few members complaining more than pubbers, a few members that constantly accused people of cheating, and you had a couple of pubbers (members even?) who DID cheat and got caught, but not before they ran off part of the population.

I submit that other than maybe a couple of committed members, you have lost most of your "good" members to more important real-life issues. That's difficult to avoid. However, without a good membership base that plays consistently, if not frequently, you can only expect more of the same.

I was the biggest fan of IoW and the gameplay that formerly existed on this server. People grow and get tired of the same game. I reached a point to where I believed I couldn't get much better (not because I was great, just because I guess that was all that I had in the tank). When people reach that point in any game, they only come back for nostalgia or boredom.

Good luck IoW. I know several of you would be considered my friends in the real world, of which I am now a full-time member.

God bless you all,

#13:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:54 am

Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Well I'm done posting after this, already with the bitching about soldiers... maybe thats why pubbers like myself all no longer come to IoW.

Just an FYI, I've played on ANG, and have had FT's where we were all going for the OBJ as a FT, using FT chat, and having the classes we needed to go win.

Btw you need people on your server to have teamwork.

O and ang has 7 ppl right now, iow has 0. Be4 you knock them too much, at least they have people.

There is a GOD!!!!!!!!
I think i'll go to church more now.

#14:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Scraebbes Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:58 pm

Every time I have time to play on the server it is empty. Sometimes I join and hope more players joining too... but it don't happen Confused

#15:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: HEROINMAN Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:42 pm

I'm usually busy so I only get a bit of time to play each day, and I know this sounds selfish but I don't feel like wasting that time waiting for on an empty sever waiting for people to connect...over the summer I'll help more with this Very Happy

#16:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Bolivar Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:57 pm

I want to play almost every night, the only problem is the lack of players.. When the server is empty people dont come or leave quickly, and the games not happen. I guess if 3 or more IOW members stay online the server comes populated quickly.
Lets go!

#17:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:05 pm

Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): ›
One thing you never hear is the constant bitching about panzers, mines, etc as IoW all ways has.

I don't know why it's so hard just to ignore people when they "bitch" Just don't pay attention to chat

#18:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: JEWMAN Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:41 pm

I agree with Jason the game is getting older and nowadays most of the people who used to play ET now play COD4 and Counter Strike and WOW games. My suggestion as far as that goes is MAYBE just MAYBE we should expand IoW to more than just ET. Maybe if we expand to some newer games not only would that populate the IoW community with lots of new people but maybe they would see that we still host ET and that might make them want to play it as well. Maybe set up a few branches of IoW with some different games, you do have enough admins to do that.

A lot of people pm about the new settings and how they hate the hitboxes and how they still get mad about the people being afk sitting in the game. If someone is afk and doesn't go spec ppl will vote to kick the person thats a given. I as well as some other members requested the !putteam command be given to some lower ranks so that this wouldn't happen. If I was just on a server pubbing and I went afk for a minute to go the bathroom or something and I came back and it said I was kicked for being afk I wouldn't wanna go back on. So maybe if we can put people to spec when they afk that would help some.

People complained enough about the heavy weapons with few people on and now one of these changes allows for MORE than 1 panza lol I mean personally to me thats a lil bit awquard because that is going to lead to more problems I think.

My vote was just random becuz I have a mix of things such as working a lot lately and trying out some other servers. But I still go on IoW when I see some people on.

I hope SOME of these things I am saying help a lil bit.

#19:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: mayol Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:20 pm

1. I am very busy and have no time to play.
2. Those rare times I am able and willing to play I chose not to because:
- server is empty
- people I like playing with are not online
- people I don't like playing with are online
- don't want to get mad due to usual lag issues

I can not say I miss ET. But I won't deny I had super fun times on IOW in the past.

#20:   Author: mayol Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:24 pm

Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Well I'm done posting after this, already with the bitching about soldiers... maybe thats why pubbers like myself all no longer come to IoW.

stfu already and stop poisoning these forums with your constant bitching

#21:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Quizzle Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:44 pm

Honestly, I work 12 hours a day and find little time to come back to my crappy little camp room and play on ET often. I need to spend at least an hour or two with my gf on the phone which leaves me with about an hour an a half with game time. Which lately has been devoted to a fellow camp geek/nerd here (very rare in construction trade) and we have been battling it out in Heroes of Might and Magic 5 every night basically.

On top of that I've bought Call of Duty 4. I've been checking it out a little bit more lately. Trying to even it up with ET and CoD 4. I think it's a good suggestion to branch out into the different games. If everyone in IoW thinks it's cool.

Besides that, yeah. Just other things have been going down. You couldn't imagine how beat I am after work. Let alone come on the server and deal with all the crap Wal-Mart and the rest were talking about.

#22:   Author: Jester59 Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:56 pm

Yeah when i want to play the server is empty so i go to ang and its fun like wal said and no complaints its a good brawl and everyone plays to have a good time like iow used to be...

#23:   Author: DarkStrike Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:58 pm

I don't mind the new settings. I'm taking a short break due to RL but I expect to be back. I need to adjust to my training and work :S I'm also trying to develop a map (game inside a game for WC3) to release into the public. Its been a goal of mine ever since I learned how to use their editor and it should be done in a couple weeks anyhow.

Bottom Line:I should be back in a couple weeks.

#24:   Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:59 pm

mayol wrote (View Post): ›
stfu already and stop poisoning these forums with your constant bitching

Shove it up your ass, you will see I've been muted for being a panzer on the server, and unmuted right away by a higher admin (was posted). The point is totaly vaild... who the fuck wants to play when all you get is shit.

lol w/e enjoy the dead server, maybe I'll set mine up again and laff my ass off when its full, and iow is dead.

#25:   Author: DarkStrike Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:00 pm

DarkStrike wrote (View Post): › I don't mind the new settings. I'm taking a short break due to RL but I expect to be back. I need to adjust to my training and work :S I'm also trying to develop a map (game inside a game for WC3) to release into the public. Its been a goal of mine ever since I learned how to use their editor and it should be done in a couple weeks anyhow.

Bottom Line:I should be back in a couple weeks.

And Quazi, I know your talking about CoD4 for the PC. But I'd be game for starting a branch up on the 360 version. It would give me a reason to play and I prefer the multiple game types that only take 15 minutes instead of objective that takes 30 give or take.

#26:   Author: HEROINMAN Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:34 pm

mayol wrote (View Post): ›
Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Well I'm done posting after this, already with the bitching about soldiers... maybe thats why pubbers like myself all no longer come to IoW.

stfu already and stop poisoning these forums with your constant bitching

ditto Rolling Eyes

#27:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: LUDA Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:36 pm

@ walmart - you've been muted for being a complete fag - not for being a panzer

seriously though - we don't have rediculous rules on our server because noone wants to be bound by them nor have to be constantly telling ppl what to do but you are one of those ppl who is constantly exploiting some factor in the game maybe because of your lousy shot i don't know - if you're not artying level 3 every chance you get or panzering everyone in a 3 vs 3 with level 4 soldier which MAKES new ppl leave after 2 minutes of lameness - you act like a complete asshat and not only dont i have ANY respect for you - most ppl here don't like you either - seeing as how you've already been kicked from this clan how many times why don't you find some other ppl to constantly irritate because we're tired of your antics

how old are you seriously - you whine and bitch like a 13 year old girl all the time - ppl get tired of hearing your bullshit - if you for some reason are actually truthful this time and you dont ever post here again i for one will be much happier

oh and btw the iow server has been full for the last 2 1/2 hours

just my honest opinion

as for the topic of this thread the reason the server is dead more often the not is due to a number of factors none of which i think have to do with server settings - its all about time of day and inability to get enough members on during non-peak hours

this game has been out for some and the et community that is left is a steady stream of new players looking for a free fps or old players looking for some good old fragging fun - it will only get worse over time (see rtcw) so enjoy the fun games while you can - what helps is when you come to play et get on ts vent or xfire so your other friends know you're playing and can join what server you are on

#28:   Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:14 pm

Only posting cause i have my top 3 reasons...
(no order)
1 Bitching
2 lag (loving it right now jew is over 300, 3 people were kicking for losing key packets I'm showing 60 but I'm really jumpy)
3 being kicked for ip spoofing... uneven teams (i mean... not that i mind being down 3, with iows on the up team jerkingoff... but u know... makes things a little unfun..)

and luda, pretty sure if you are right I woulda stayed muted Wink

#29:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: gchip Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:23 am

yeah i have been playing more pro too lately... when im playing...which is decreasing due to the large amount of tvwatching, eating, gameboy, sleeping, and sitting around (usually a combination of them all)
but whenever there is ppl on our server, ill go. even if i have to panz to get kills.

#30:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:22 am

I think branching out to more games would be a good idea. I would definitely be in favor of branching out to cod4.

As for the new server settings, I haven't really noticed much of a difference other than the med 3 second pack delay and the hitboxes are obviously better than the previous ones, as seen in the appropriate thread.

LUDA wrote (View Post): ›
you whine and bitch like a 13 year old girl all the time

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who made this same comparison LOL

#31:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Quazi Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:03 am


It is Quizzle who plays CoD4 not me =)

@rest and Wal-mart

Wal you already posted your reason. This team would be better without all that shittalk. Please.

#32:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Clanless Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:44 am

I had to take vacation from work or else id lose the days.

So I have thursday and friday off every week for the month of june.

Its 11:42am est on Thursday, and no one is in the server.

I got all day to kick butt and no ones there.

#33:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:17 am

sit in spec for a map or two, you'd be surprised that you can get the ball rolling by just attracting a few players.

#34:   Author: schism Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:43 pm

Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Only posting cause i have my top 3 reasons...

i thought you were already done posting. wut?

the idea of branching iow into other games might be tricky. the reason i play et, and i'm sure a lot of other people play et, is because it's free and it's low-maintenance. unlike wow, you don't have to be playing so much every day just to level up or what have you. you don't have to pay for a subscription or any expansions that people might want to buy in the clan. likewise, if we branched into cod4 for 360, i wouldn't want to shell out $300 for the game, console, and whatever else, not to mention the monthly Live fee. i don't have that kind of money to throw around.
i don't know if i'm the only one, but if iow branches out into anything else, i'm still playing et.

#35:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:22 pm

schism wrote (View Post): › i don't know if i'm the only one, but if iow branches out into anything else, i'm still playing et.

I'm with smart

#36:   Author: sum1else Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:00 pm

BECK wrote (View Post): ›
schism wrote (View Post): › i don't know if i'm the only one, but if iow branches out into anything else, i'm still playing et.

I'm with smart

^^10 for 10

#37:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: AnABoLiS Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:54 pm

Hi guys! I have been quite busy. ( Lots of RL things to do) I have actually tried to be more out with friends Very Happy Its summer, so i will be away from home quite much. Lots of partys and festivals coming. Its also been damn hot in here (over 25C), so we have been drinking much... It looks like im going to be drank 50% of my summer holiday. Confused
I still have lag problems, so i guess i have to buy a new computer. But ill try to be online couple times in a week. Cya<3

#38:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: schism Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:39 pm

nice to see quazi playing today.
sat in spec for an hour today while i folded clothes, gchip joined first and we could get a little 5's going on the server today. i think summer will bring a lot more traffic.

#39:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:40 pm

Branching out to one other game wouldn't be that difficult. As for the 360 idea, it wouldn't work and PC > consoles anyday of the week.

And for you diehard ET players, I know where you guys are coming from, I will always play ET because it is such a great game but having a little variety never hurt anyone.

#40:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:20 pm

Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Well I'm done posting after this

What a liar!!!!

ANd instead of coming on here in talking shit you should have kept your server and your clan up. BTW that was a total success....for about 2 months.When you make a clan and a server last for close to 3 years then come back and taunt us all you want. For now I hope you do only play on ANG now,it will be a better environment for everyone at IoW.GG thanx.

#41:   Author: HEROINMAN Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:44 pm

StEVoNuB420 wrote (View Post): ›
Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Well I'm done posting after this

What a liar!!!!

ANd instead of coming on here in talking shit you should have kept your server and your clan up. BTW that was a total success....for about 2 months.When you make a clan and a server last for close to 3 years then come back and taunt us all you want. For now I hope you do only play on ANG now,it will be a better environment for everyone at IoW.GG thanx.


I think branching out to CoD4 for the PC could be a good idea since that seems to be where alot of people go when they leave ET but I too will play ET as long as schism and gchip do, but it might help keep things more active if we branched out to another game, or it could go terribly Laughing

#42:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:29 pm

schism wrote (View Post): ›
Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Only posting cause i have my top 3 reasons...

unlike wow, you don't have to be playing so much every day just to level up or what have you. you don't have to pay for a subscription or any expansions that people might want to buy in the clan.

Don't let WoW grasp a hold of you, it NEVER lets go.

I do have to say, there is always something to do.

#43:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: JEWMAN Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:55 pm

Well im glad you guys LIKE my idea of branching out Smile I say cod 4 pc we branch and maybe 1 or 2 other games on pc. And we just expand the iow forums to have a section for each of those games. DEFINITLY keep up the playing of ET but just give out more options to attract more people. Maybe ppl on cod4 or other games may wanna come back to iow if they see our forums and what not. I figure the iow server is hurtin lately so why not try something out maybe it'll help!!!

#44:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: gchip Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:02 am

rawr. i will still play et as well. cuz i dont have money to get new games. the money i get from my parents i waste on food and stuff. (those acai cups at jambajuice are $5 heaven-in-a-cups)

also, yeah the pub server is easy to get rolling. i just couldn't seem to aim well on it today.

#45:   Author: PumpkiN Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:58 am

well. lets all blame wal like always..

but yeah. im not playing because of the lack of people. i love the server and all its settings.. i mean the panzer thing might get annoying but truthfully i love the hitboxes, the hitsounds, the movement speeds, damage. blabla..

im always sad to see the server empty when i feel like playing.. cuz i would have to go to px or qua or whatnot.. and their server settings suck balls.. majorly.

#46:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: gchip Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:37 am

im having a problem with aiming, but i fix it with the panzer. maybe we should make members take initiative to join even when theres nobody online.

#47:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Fuzzy Burrito Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:21 am

Jewman officially nominates himself to solely pay for the CoD4 server it seems.

#48:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:31 am

Another good point Fuzz.

I think what it comes down to is we need to get members that are losers. People that have nothing to do except get on the computer and play all day and night.Where does PX find them?? It seems like they always have like 20 members playing all the time. I dont understand it.
Nothing really personal against Walmart,and noone blames him. It's just that he has a way of wording things that make them sound offensive. Honestly I really dont care who you are,member or not.If I see you say somehting bad about IoW I take that very personal. Sure its a fictional clan in a video game but we have spent 3 years trying to maintain it,both financially and by spenidng time with these forusm and playing,and I will defend it till I stop playing this game completely.

#49:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:15 am

ggs guys - full server all day today. Funnest night I've had in a long time, for the most part.

#50:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:17 am

Great games today!!! I played all day and it didnt even feel like it.

#51:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: junior Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:08 am

Hi, I'm new to your forums but I have played with most of you over the years. I'm IOW Duke's/ Hobbs ... Dad. I generally play at PX because 1. they have xp save for a long time (week maybe) so a lower skilled player like me can get up to general and have a chance to compete in the game over time. 2. with 20 or so players regularly a player like me can fit into the back of a team and play support roles, thus feel like I'm part of the game. Generally I kill one for every 2 deaths, but if I feel my play helps the team win the objective I'm good with it. Somebody has to go first. . PX generally has a good mix of mayhem and objective achievement.

On IOW, I have troubles because I play for a short time ( usually an hour or so)because of lack of xp and low skill level. However, in the past when we only had one computer I would play for an hour or so, then Duke would play for an hour and so forth thus I could enjoy the extra benefits of the xp. In general though if I'm going to play for an extended time I like IOW because there is usually better teamwork going on. And even I can help complete the objective on each map.

There is definately a difference in style of play for me on a server limited like IOW as opposed to the mobs on PX.

Another problem I've had is either the server is full and I can't connect or lately, like everyone else has seen, nobody is there.

As for panzer noobs, rude behavior, uneven teams and such, that happens on every server I've played on. Those moments come and go as players log in and out. Most of the time I play through it but if it ruins my enjoyment of the game, I go elsewhere. Not being a customer says more than complaining.

Over the years, Nort , JJ, Beck, Stevo and others have done a good job trying to maintain the server as a quality place to play and Duke and I have enjoyed it very much. I'm sure IOW will evolve and solve this issue and I will enjoy playing ET here for many more years to come.

After all, it's people like me that make the rest of you look good!!! Laughing Laughing

#52:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:19 am

WOW!! You can talk!!! Cool j/k

Thanx for the positive feedback,and just to let you know your a pretty good player,so don't sell yourself short. Welcome to the forums.

#53:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: zupadupa Post You have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:12 am

gchip wrote (View Post): › im having a problem with aiming, but i fix it with the panzer. maybe we should make members take initiative to join even when theres nobody online.

I spent time doing that when I had the free time. Now with a new job, I am not going to have too much time. A lot of new things to learn, getting up early in the morning and being tired at night. I will try to make an effort to be on here on the weekends, but honestly spending all day at work in front of a computer / working with computers makes me want to stay away from them when I get home.

#54:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: allagor Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:06 am

The main reason I'm not playing anymore is because I keep getting kicked by pb for "comfail #132"
That happens every time I connect, within 1-2 minutes I get kicked Sad

#55:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: sum1else Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:23 am

I should be around more than I was before now that I don't have school tying me up.

I also had a weird thing happen to me yesterday when I was connecting to the server. It would get the gamestate and start loading the map, then as soon as it finishes, the server would disconnect for an unknown reason. It happened twice, and I almost didn't reconnect a third time, but I did and it let me through then. Anybody know what could've been the problem?

sum1else out.

#56:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: schism Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:48 am

that's usually just a fluke error, it's never happened to me more than once before i could get through again. occasionally it would say i couldn't reconnect for another 2 minutes, but after that it would let me in.

#57:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Volta Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:35 pm

Wal Mart is so gay


#58:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:09 pm

SO far 2 posts out of Volta with loads of info that we all ready knew....GJ VOLTA!!!!!! COME BACK FAG!!!!!!!! 8(

#59:   Author: Cat Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:43 pm


Passed by to let you know that I won't be around for 2 weeks.. Someone is coming to visit me, so I might pass all this time with him!

So See you all sooon, and have fun!!


#60:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:17 pm

I can only wonder what you guys will be doing all that time.

#61:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: gchip Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:13 am

Volta wrote (View Post): › Wal Mart is so gay


bwahahaha f1

yeah volta, you should come back
also, have you heard the mars voltas newest album? its epic.

#62:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:26 am

allagor wrote (View Post): › The main reason I'm not playing anymore is because I keep getting kicked by pb for "comfail #132"
That happens every time I connect, within 1-2 minutes I get kicked Sad

Go to your PB folder under ET and run 'pbweb.exe'. Might just need a fresh update.

Ven wrote: ›
I can only wonder what you guys will be doing all that time.

LMAO Laughing

#63:   Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:37 am


Last edited by Wal-Mart on Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:41 am; edited 1 time in total

#64:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:07 am

Wal-Mart, all that statement does is add fuel to the fire. I ask you to please edit your own thread and remove that statement, because that is really over the line. This goes for ALL of you!

If EVERYONE could just lay off the personal attacks, I won't have to start locking threads or perhaps start removing people from the forums.

#65:   Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:41 am

Well, if I was not knocked... I woulda never posted that, maybe you should work on how your members act, else you better expect me to post shit too.

#66:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:50 am

You're right, and I appreciate you removing that.

Personal attacks towards anyone will not be tolerated. Grow up people!

#67:  Re: Where is everyone? Author: Plan9 Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:48 am

BECK wrote (View Post): ›
allagor wrote (View Post): › The main reason I'm not playing anymore is because I keep getting kicked by pb for "comfail #132"
That happens every time I connect, within 1-2 minutes I get kicked Sad

Go to your PB folder under ET and run 'pbweb.exe'. Might just need a fresh update.

Been there, done that.

He even reinstalled ET & PB yesterday and the error persists.

#68:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:07 am

Then perhaps go to and search their forums for a solution. Or google 'comfail #132'. Might be a firewall issue, be sure that both pnkbustrA.exe and pnkbustrB.exe (or whatever they're called) have access to run through all your firewalls.

#69:   Author: schism Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:06 pm

Wal-Mart wrote (View Post): › Well, if I was not knocked... I woulda never posted that, maybe you should work on how your members act, else you better expect me to post shit too.

please stop acting like you're the victim and suck it up.

you can also download pbsetup.exe off google and run it to see if there are new updates. for me, it found new updates that pbweb didn't find.

#70:   Author: Wal-Mart Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:39 pm

schism, go drink some anti freeze =) I will cool you off Wink

If ya reinstall PB, be sure to DELETE the pb folder, dont just uninstall et, the folder and files stay.


Punkbuster kicks me after two minutes play with this message


You have been kicked via PunkBuster (for 0 minutes)
Violation (COMFAIL) #132


Make sure you run the game under an Administrator or equivalent account under Windows. If you are not using an admin account, you can right click on the application you want to run and select "Run As". This will allow you to give admin access to that program and should allow you to play with a limited user.

give her a try.
Instruments of WarET-Pub ServersWhere is everyone?

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