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Where is everyone?
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Poll :: Why aren't you at IoW?

Too busy with real-life. Other things to do.
 45%  [ 14 ]
I hate the new upgrade and settings. I play elsewhere now.
 0%  [ 0 ]
I don't really play this game anymore.
 12%  [ 4 ]
I won't join the server if it is empty. It is always empty!
 19%  [ 6 ]
Taking a break, but I expect to be back.
 9%  [ 3 ]
I don't like the people on our server anymore. It has been ruined by bad admins, bad members or bad pubbers
 6%  [ 2 ]
Found a server I like better. Nothing against IoW.
 3%  [ 1 ]
Won't even connect if there are x (insert magic number) or less players. I hate small games!
 3%  [ 1 ]
Voted : 31
Total Votes : 31

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IoW Regular
10203 Points

USSR US Hawaii
PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:37 am   Post subject:  Re: Where is everyone? Back to top 

im having a problem with aiming, but i fix it with the panzer. maybe we should make members take initiative to join even when theres nobody online.

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Fuzzy Burrito
IoW Fanboy
9964 Points

Canada CA Ontario
PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:21 am   Post subject:  Re: Where is everyone? Back to top 

Jewman officially nominates himself to solely pay for the CoD4 server it seems.

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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:31 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Another good point Fuzz.

I think what it comes down to is we need to get members that are losers. People that have nothing to do except get on the computer and play all day and night.Where does PX find them?? It seems like they always have like 20 members playing all the time. I dont understand it.
Nothing really personal against Walmart,and noone blames him. It's just that he has a way of wording things that make them sound offensive. Honestly I really dont care who you are,member or not.If I see you say somehting bad about IoW I take that very personal. Sure its a fictional clan in a video game but we have spent 3 years trying to maintain it,both financially and by spenidng time with these forusm and playing,and I will defend it till I stop playing this game completely.

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General of the Army
General of the Army
280087 Points

USA US Colorado
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:15 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

ggs guys - full server all day today. Funnest night I've had in a long time, for the most part.

Very Happy
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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:17 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Great games today!!! I played all day and it didnt even feel like it.

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339 Points

USA US New Hampshire
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:08 am   Post subject:  Re: Where is everyone? Back to top 

Hi, I'm new to your forums but I have played with most of you over the years. I'm IOW Duke's/ Hobbs ... Dad. I generally play at PX because 1. they have xp save for a long time (week maybe) so a lower skilled player like me can get up to general and have a chance to compete in the game over time. 2. with 20 or so players regularly a player like me can fit into the back of a team and play support roles, thus feel like I'm part of the game. Generally I kill one for every 2 deaths, but if I feel my play helps the team win the objective I'm good with it. Somebody has to go first. . PX generally has a good mix of mayhem and objective achievement.

On IOW, I have troubles because I play for a short time ( usually an hour or so)because of lack of xp and low skill level. However, in the past when we only had one computer I would play for an hour or so, then Duke would play for an hour and so forth thus I could enjoy the extra benefits of the xp. In general though if I'm going to play for an extended time I like IOW because there is usually better teamwork going on. And even I can help complete the objective on each map.

There is definately a difference in style of play for me on a server limited like IOW as opposed to the mobs on PX.

Another problem I've had is either the server is full and I can't connect or lately, like everyone else has seen, nobody is there.

As for panzer noobs, rude behavior, uneven teams and such, that happens on every server I've played on. Those moments come and go as players log in and out. Most of the time I play through it but if it ruins my enjoyment of the game, I go elsewhere. Not being a customer says more than complaining.

Over the years, Nort , JJ, Beck, Stevo and others have done a good job trying to maintain the server as a quality place to play and Duke and I have enjoyed it very much. I'm sure IOW will evolve and solve this issue and I will enjoy playing ET here for many more years to come.

After all, it's people like me that make the rest of you look good!!! Laughing Laughing

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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:19 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

WOW!! You can talk!!! Cool j/k

Thanx for the positive feedback,and just to let you know your a pretty good player,so don't sell yourself short. Welcome to the forums.

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IoW Supporter
11489 Points

Canada European Union
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:12 am   Post subject:  Re: Where is everyone? Back to top 

gchip wrote (View Post): › Select ›‹ Expand
im having a problem with aiming, but i fix it with the panzer. maybe we should make members take initiative to join even when theres nobody online.

I spent time doing that when I had the free time. Now with a new job, I am not going to have too much time. A lot of new things to learn, getting up early in the morning and being tired at night. I will try to make an effort to be on here on the weekends, but honestly spending all day at work in front of a computer / working with computers makes me want to stay away from them when I get home.

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Senior Admin
Senior Admin
44798 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:06 am   Post subject:  Re: Where is everyone? Back to top 

The main reason I'm not playing anymore is because I keep getting kicked by pb for "comfail #132"
That happens every time I connect, within 1-2 minutes I get kicked Sad

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Brigadier General
Brigadier General
67080 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:23 am   Post subject:  Re: Where is everyone? Back to top 

I should be around more than I was before now that I don't have school tying me up.

I also had a weird thing happen to me yesterday when I was connecting to the server. It would get the gamestate and start loading the map, then as soon as it finishes, the server would disconnect for an unknown reason. It happened twice, and I almost didn't reconnect a third time, but I did and it let me through then. Anybody know what could've been the problem?

sum1else out.

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IoW Regular
11631 Points

USA US Hawaii
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:48 am   Post subject:  Re: Where is everyone? Back to top 

that's usually just a fluke error, it's never happened to me more than once before i could get through again. occasionally it would say i couldn't reconnect for another 2 minutes, but after that it would let me in.

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IoW Regular
803 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:35 pm   Post subject:  Re: Where is everyone? Back to top 

Wal Mart is so gay


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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:09 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

SO far 2 posts out of Volta with loads of info that we all ready knew....GJ VOLTA!!!!!! COME BACK FAG!!!!!!!! 8(

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IoW Supporter
3177 Points

Canada CA Quebec
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:43 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 


Passed by to let you know that I won't be around for 2 weeks.. Someone is coming to visit me, so I might pass all this time with him!

So See you all sooon, and have fun!!


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Senior Admin
Senior Admin
104308 Points

USA US California
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:17 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I can only wonder what you guys will be doing all that time.

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