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WTF Panzers
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Poll :: Heavy weapons should...

Have a restriction to one of each weapon per team,
 70%  [ 12 ]
Two of each weapon per team
 29%  [ 5 ]
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:29 am   Post subject:   Back to top 


Axis being pinned down down isn't as bad as allies. They are on the defense right? Attacking is just to slow the enemy down.

There are 3 and after tank blows it 4 ways out of the axis spawn on goldrush. They just take a bit longer for the 2 side ways. Near the end of the game they don't even have to leave the two main ways to go gaurd obj.

Complaining about axis on beach? They get a massive advantage early on and can even spawn inside near obj if mortar is too much. You even have a second way out of axis flag spawn and its doorway covers the way to flag.

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372 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:31 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

i was speaking generaly it was not directed at anyone cept the people who go the same way 20 times and die 20 times...

on oasis i can trick jump the wall every try i take... yet i dont do it all the time ive never seen the oasis pinned down

every map has some bs way to win/lose

hell fuel dump lvl 3 art and lol that take can sit their the whole map if u have a good FO and a good engi...

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1908 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:51 am   Post subject:  all about Back to top 

Its all about SKILL my friend................ Well and luck. For no matter how good soldat u are if u are in the wrong spot at the wrong time then thats it for u.


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20692 Points

Canada CA Alberta
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:55 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Quote: › Select ›‹ Expand
On gold rush it only takes 2 mortars to keep the Axis pinned down in there base, because you can hit both exits and

There are actually three exits on goldrush after the tank has been stolen. Through the bank and out the side by the mg.


I´m so.... Quizzled.
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IoW Fanboy
974 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:06 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Like i have said many times before, i would rather go against a panzer than a FG42, panzer takes like 3 secs to discharge the rocket, fg can kill within a second. Like someone else said, each has its disadvantages, you just have to learn how to utilize and manipulate them.


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IOW Anger Managment
1037 Points

USA US Minnesota
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:32 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I have to agree with karni on the FG. If someone with a ping over 200 uses it, the lag usually discharges half a clip in a single burst...half a second usually. That means instant death.

But to get back to the topic. Shrub used to half an awesome solution for this problem. The restiction wasn't by numbers but by server population. If the server was full, there was a 2 panzer limit and no arty restrictions. If there were less than 10 people, there was a 1 panzer per team and a time restricted arty setup. (based on a certain number of artillery calls/minute) My biggest problem with panzers is when you get a 5 on 5 game and the other team has 2 panzers. If you are attacking, it is impossible to reach objective, if you are defending, it is just plain annoying. And airstikes..?????????? I get hit by arty somewhere I generally just don't travel that direction again. However.....I recently played a map where I was hit by artillery 5 consecutive lives......each life in a different spot by a different person. How does that work? No restrictions at all? There needs to be a cap on artys/minute.

The biggest changes I would suggest is to disable voting completely and giving !putteam command to more of your members. Shuffles never work. In my 4 years of playing this maybe...I have seen shuffles work about 10 percent of the time. All of which were on etpro servers on stopwatch. XP SAVE 100% NEGATES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF !SHUFFLE If you don't understand why then don't post anything relating to the topic ever again. Instead of !shuffle, !putteam allows members to move players/themselves first, to even the teams. That or ask someone to move first. I would gladly switch teams if approached by an admin. I generally do anyways.


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IoW Regular
385 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jul 09, 2006 10:18 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

RegBarclay wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand

Axis being pinned down down isn't as bad as allies. They are on the defense right? Attacking is just to slow the enemy down.

There are 3 and after tank blows it 4 ways out of the axis spawn on goldrush. They just take a bit longer for the 2 side ways. Near the end of the game they don't even have to leave the two main ways to go gaurd obj.

Complaining about axis on beach? They get a massive advantage early on and can even spawn inside near obj if mortar is too much. You even have a second way out of axis flag spawn and its doorway covers the way to flag.

I wasn't complaining, I was just bringing more then just panzers into this discussion. I was using Axis being pinned as an example because of Matt5's points about not being able to be pinned down as Axis. Btw, the 2 other exit on Goldrush can get hit in one spot, right out of the spawn at the boxes (although it would be one hell of a shot)

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:10 am   Post subject:   Back to top 


The limted panzer when server is low on pop seems good. The thing is though... didn't the complaints about all this start from a game with the server full/near full?

Shuffle does seem broke somehow ugh. I dunno if it uses xp or rating.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:51 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

0, yea thats zero per team, those just get so annoying. I no that on the |CE server they have them ristricted so that no one can use them.

Edit: zero panzers, everything else is fine.

Don't be silly, wrap your willy.
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IOW Anger Managment
1037 Points

USA US Minnesota
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:50 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

In an effor to NOT start a new thread....I feel obligated to about panzers once again. In general I can put up with panzers. They are part of the game and are needed on occasion. HOWEVER, after a few maps today....I must bitch. YES QUIZZLE I AM ALWAYS COMPLAINING ABOUT SOMETHING. If you wrote down everything I complain about you will probrably run into about 3 categories.....1.lag 2.hitboxes 3.Panzerwhoring

Panzerwhoring....this doesn't just mean Clanless. Even though it is rediculous to use the panzer EVERY time you play, that is their perogative. My biggest complaint is when the server isnt' full, having 2-3 panzers at once. gets old. It gets really old. Railgun was the final straw. Clanless...Shocklimb....Remixes......all allies all destroying axis. Axis was afraid to leave half didn't. I died 3 times in 20 minutes to something OTHER than a panzer....I recall one life consisted out of away from panzer other direction away from blast third direction because of pz blast on landmine..... explode....Now I love a good panzering every once in a while but killing two pzs only to get lambasted by a third isn't much fun.



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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:51 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

I'm with Nilla. In my first clan I had such a horrible machine and low fps that all I could do is panzer, so I "kinda" sympathize. I also understand that some people just can't shoot and resort to panzers because that's the only way they'll ever kill anything. In general, I don't think there's anything wrong with 2 panzers per team if the server is nearly full. 3 is just completely stupid in every way imaginable. I know that sounds harsh, but it's just the straight up truth.

Some people that are skilled with smg and a panzer can run the whole server into the ground. If there is ONE decent med on their team, that quality panzer and the med can shut down an offensive attack almost by themselves. Now give them 4 or 5 more people or one more panzer and the offense is D-O-N-E.

Very few panzers get me every single time, because 1) I shoot okay, and 2) I'm juiced (although not as often because I don't play long, and I just stay front lines. Point being, I don't mind getting killed by a panzer. However, getting hit by two or three of them at the same time is beyond annoying.

You can't blame the folks using them though. If it's legal, use it. It's the same with adrenaline. People complain about it, but they can have it too.

As far as battery, it's my least favorite map. Without Allies having good mortars or a couple of level 4 engies, an Axis team with a couple of level 4 fo's and a level 4 panzer will annhililate them. I'm all for mortars. As I've said before, in some comp with elite teams, they didn't even defend the ramp on the beach. They just fought it out inside because it was too risky to set foot near the beach. Plus later the back door became blowable by dyno.


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16243 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:07 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

To put him some fun/shame.

I was playing on teams like 1(me)vs 3 (med,eng,PANZA). Heh, a bit radiciolous wasn't it ?

I have nothing to panzers if the server is almost full, as you guys said. I'm totally pissed off when smn cares panzer from the beggining to the end and keeps rushing into enemy spawn or 'vaporizes' himself while killing everytime he shoots.

War solves all problems - no man no problem [Josef Stalin]

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General of the Army
General of the Army
280087 Points

USA US Colorado
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:39 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Well you're preaching to the choir when Mr. Beck is reading about pussy-stick use. The idea of limiting is seriously being considered. You're right in saying there are times and places for well-skilled panzers, and hell, I don't even complain when I get killed by them. It's just those dickless ground shooters and harry-carey (sp?) room killers that make me want to ban the things all together. I have NO respect for anyone who shoots me in a a crowded room or in the back by a panzer.

Your wish may be granted, we'll just have to see about that....

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Fuzzy Burrito
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Canada CA Ontario
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:37 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

It seems the former panzer whores have more problems with panzers than any joe schmoe. AAAAHHHHH, back in the day... Ice would pwn half of axis with his thompson, then the other half with his panzer, in about 13 seconds... good times. Then people would complain, so he'd do the same with his garand and some r-nades...

BOT (Back on Topic) - Panzer use was at a lull for a while on the server. Was nice. Of late, some peeps that seem to never leave the server, never stop using the panzer.

I'm all for total annihilation of panzers. Or limit of one is good too. I'll take anything actually.

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General of the Army
General of the Army
280087 Points

USA US Colorado
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:48 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Nort limited panzers to 1 per team, pending restart of the server. So yeah! Less laming fags! Razz Very Happy

Very Happy
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