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How Religious Are You?
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Poll :: How Religious Are You?

Very - I pray and/or make sacrificial offerings when necessary.
 21%  [ 5 ]
Average - I believe in my God and occasionally follow the structure of my religion.
 8%  [ 2 ]
Not Very - I admit myself to a religion, but don't so much as follow it.
 17%  [ 4 ]
I deny all religious activities. No religious deity here.
 52%  [ 12 ]
Voted : 23
Total Votes : 23

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Fuzzy Burrito
IoW Fanboy
9964 Points

Canada CA Ontario
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:49 pm   Post subject:  How Religious Are You? Back to top 

Just wondering, as it is a religious holiday for most of us here using these forums, to what extent we all believe. The polls should be well suited for anyone here; appropriate for all deities.

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52130 Points

USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:33 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I am a Catholic but not a practicing one. If I didn't believe in GOD I think I would have turned out worse. So there has to be something..right?

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:36 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I'm what you would call an apathetic agnostic. Apathetic agnosticism (also called Pragmatic agnosticism)—the view that there is no proof of either the existence or nonexistence of God or gods, but since any God or gods that may exist appear unconcerned for the universe or the welfare of its inhabitants, the question is largely academic anyway.

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USA US Michigan
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:45 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Sometimes I think we are some super advanced alien video game.

What's that religion called?

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:08 am   Post subject:   Back to top 

Sin wrote (View Post): › Sometimes I think we are some super advanced alien video game.

What's that religion called?

I'll have what ever he's having.

I went not very...Sunday is easter rite? I'm working, my choice.

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16243 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:37 am   Post subject:  Re: How Religious Are You? Back to top 

I don't belive in god but in science. However I do celebrate all catholic holidays since my family does it.

War solves all problems - no man no problem [Josef Stalin]

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Canada CA Quebec
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:56 am   Post subject:  Re: How Religious Are You? Back to top 

I dont believe in god either, i believe in the evolution of the species, but i do celebrate holidays too.

Christmas today it's so commercial, people generally doesn't see anymore this holiday as being a religious feast. It's more a reason to drink and to offer presents.

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USA US New Hampshire
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:42 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I'd go with I follow a religion, just not hardcore.

But evolution and all those theories make me laugh. They don't fully explain all of my questions and leave gaps in their answers! WTF!

Not trying to start an argument, just stating a fact.


Made this one for fun Very Happy
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:55 pm   Post subject:  Re: How Religious Are You? Back to top 

Well, i dont belive at god has made us. But if god has really "made us", God really has a very strange sence of humor.

Maybe we are just somekind of virus in someone's hard disk, this what we call "universum?", is just sized of 1kt in 500gbs hard disk, too small to notice or paying attention for it, but it's going to destroy your whole computer sooner or later.

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31257 Points

PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:07 pm   Post subject:  Re: How Religious Are You? Back to top 

idk what to believe so

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:24 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

holy moly....i was quite surprised by the results of this poll. i do believe there is 1 god, and i try to pray and do the other 'rites and rituals' when i can.

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20692 Points

Canada CA Alberta
PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:28 pm   Post subject:  Re: How Religious Are You? Back to top 

I believe in god, I pray every night and try to follow what I believe to be the proper and moral way to live. I don't follow one set religion and never have. So I guess I follow my own individual religion. I've read the bible front to back and have made my own decisions on what is right and what is wrong. I mean we all know the basics whether you are religious or not. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill right? Those are pretty basic.

I believe it's okay to swear, but not use god's name in vain. It's okay to have sex before marriage. In fact one of the disciples of Jesus once said "It may be better to be without a wife and stay single in one's life than it would be to be married". Or something on those lines. Also the word "Fornication" which is used by christians and catholics in the bible of king james; they use the word and say it is called to be a sin in the bible. In fact the word fornication is a bad translation from Hebrew. It actually means the worshiping of another god.

Uhh ranting I think. Basically I believe in god and my own set moral beliefs that I have followed for years, and hopefully for years to come. Churches and large groups of people are not a requirement to believe in a god and be a good person.


I´m so.... Quizzled.
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General of the Army
General of the Army
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USA US Colorado
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:12 am   Post subject:  Re: How Religious Are You? Back to top 

First of all, thanks everyone for respecting peoples beliefs here. When I saw this thread, I was expecting it to be full of a bunch of flames. So kudos there.

I answered #1 - but only because I'm trying to get to that point. As hard as you tried Fuzzy, still think there is one option stuffed between 1&2 Wink. I do pray daily, and I do contribute to my church. And I do feel a voice within me that swells when I am worshiping, that helps to guide me. I know that for atheists or people who take the scientific approach, there is no proof that God exists. But faith is one of the biggest parts of being a believer. I just really find it hard to believe that I and all of you are an accident. I don't like to think that my life isn't meaningful, and that I am here walking around this planet, typing on this keyboard, designing software or whatever advanced motor skills I posses, because of an accident of a single-celled organism mutating and changing over millions and millons of years. I'm not trying to get into a debate here, don't misunderstand. I'm just trying to explain why I believe.

My wife and I have twin boys - almost 3 now. When you sit and watch those babies in an ultrasound growing and moving around, and you see inside the baby and watch the heart beating - life is truely a miracle. Your body is so complex in its design. Your ability to feel. To think. To love and to hate. This is not an accident IMO. I do believe that our bodies were designed to adapt to our environment - a slight bit of evolution if you will.

I am a Christian. My wife is as well. I do believe in God and I do believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again. So I guess Easter is a pretty important day for us. And yeah, you can call me a hipocrit or whatever by posting all sorts of stuff I've said here and that I do say 'fuck' now and then. I don't care, I don't judge other people for their beliefs because I know that I'm only judged by one. I respect everyone's beliefs here, if you are atheist, hindu, muslim, whatever. I don't let your life and your decisions effect mine. We are generally a happy and very diverse community, and that is important.

Very Happy
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USA US Texas
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:40 am   Post subject:  Re: How Religious Are You? Back to top 

Quizzle wrote (View Post): › In fact one of the disciples of Jesus once said "It may be better to be without a wife and stay single in one's life than it would be to be married". Or something on those lines.

I think that was Paul in his writings to the various churches. I don't think he was justifying pre-marital "stuff" though. IMHO he was stating that if Christians have the time to be good parents and the type of personality that would aid them in that pursuit, then by all means, they should have children and raise them so that there would be more Christians to spread the "Good News" about Jesus Christ.

What's this about Christians not having the time? If you consider Paul, or one of the Apostles, they were so busy giving themselves completely to the work of Christ that they really didn't have the time to be the level of husband and father to which they would have held themselves accountable. In light of those circumstances, he was talking about how it's okay if you are that way, and that people shouldn't persecute those who choose not to have a wife or children so they can be even more dedicated to the work of God.

Given my prior actions/comments on the server, it is quite obvious that I'm not a perfect person, and many times in my life I have been a PATHETIC excuse for a Christian. However, I am a Christian. I am not perfect. God did not require me to be so, as it is stated that only His Son was perfect. God does not ask for us to become perfect before accepting the free gift of salvation through belief in His Son's crucifixation and resurrection 3 days later. In asking Jesus to take me "just as I am" (to quote a famous hymn), you admit that you are a sinner and that you recognize that and ask for forgiveness and for Jesus to enter your heart, changing you into a new creature in the eyes of God.

Like Beck, as a parent, and even as a man, I've seen way too many things that are not explainable by the big bang and evolution. I believe God works on a different time scale, so that time as we measure it, does not reflect time as He spent it.

I have changed a great deal over the last several months and I have God to thank for it. Being a Christian is tough in this world. However, God never asked us to prove He exists. According to the Bible even His own apostle Thomas, who actually saw him, needed to touch Him (the holes in His hands and His side) after he was resurrected to believe it was truly He who stood before them. One is saved by faith, not by works, lest any man should boast.

I'll leave you with this: a Christian should neither debase others nor exalt himself. Jesus said, those that are humble shall be praised, and those that exalt themselves shall be humbled.

I think the greatest two commandments/rules to live by are these:
Love the Lord God with all thy heart and all thy soul.
Love thy neighbor and do unto them as you would have them do unto you.

I think the last one stands no matter what you believe regarding the existence of God.

God bless you all,
aka Nervous

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Fuzzy Burrito
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Canada CA Ontario
PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:50 am   Post subject:  Re: How Religious Are You? Back to top 

I was worried that this thread may have become heated. Suppose I figured that everyone has enough common sense to just let everyone do their thing, and observe.

I voted the last option. I wouldn't say I don't believe that there is a God, but I just prefer not to worship or follow their teachings. I don't really have any reasoning behind my decision either. I would have to agree that most religious activities are good for society. Having faith in a God is good for people, just something I omit myself from.

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